Showing 1 - 10 of 56
Applied general and partial equilibrium models are widely used tools for ex ante analysis of trade policy changes. However, simulation results seem to exhibit significant variation across publications, and the often criticised ‘black box’ character of applied trade models makes meaningful...
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Economists use partial and general equilibrium trade simulation models to estimate the impact of changes in domestic policies and international trade rules. During the WTO Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations economists have produced many different estimates of the gains that would result...
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Recent empirical studies argue that the implementation of quality standards among agricultural exporters has the character of a fixed cost. However, this can be misleading if fixed costs are only understood in terms of required investments. Instead, we argue that standard adoption is the result...
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In most post-socialist economies, private farming has re-emerged after regime change, although even today this sector most often accounts for only a minor proportion of national production. Russian private farmers are reported to dislike formal cooperatives, so this study investigated whether...
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In diesem Kapitel werden Preisbeziehungen zwischen Agrargütern auf gleicher Verarbeitungsstufe anhand ausgewählter Fallbeispiele erläutert, Preisbeziehungen zwischen Agrarrohprodukten und ihren Kuppelprodukten (z.B. Milch, Eiweiß und Fett) erklärt und besondere institutionelle Ursachen für...
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Um das seit Januar 2022 geltende Verbot des Kükentötens einzuhalten, schlägt das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft drei Alternativen vor, darunter das Ausbrüten von Zweinutzungshühnern. Neben züchterischen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen, Zweinutzungstiere in der...
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Die Hintergründe für das wachsende Interesse an Zweinutzungshühnern sind vielschichtig und reichen vom Verbot der Tötung männlicher Küken aus Legelinien über Wünsche zur allgemeinen Verbesserung des Tierwohls, der Erhaltung der genetischen Biodiversität bis hin zu einer verbesserten...
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Large-scale foreign investments in African farmland are rising and may contribute to agricultural productivity growth and economic development. However, host countries sometimes have to wait longer for the economic benefits to arrive than initially expected. In this respect, the timing of...
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