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model captures the feature that the effects of uncertainty are different with different levels of agent's risk aversion. A …
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is a new risk factor for enterprises taking part in this system. In this paper, we analyze how risk emerging from … loss account accounting for uncertainties and dependencies. Consequently, this model provides a basis for risk assessment …
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Modeling the price risk of CO2 certificates is one important aspect of integral corporate risk management related to … emissions trading. The paper presents a risk model which may be the basis for evaluating the risk of emission certificate prices …
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Environmental policy often has to be devised under informational constraints, like uncertainty and asymmetric information. We consider an environmental policy that aims at reducing the welfare losses caused by asymmetric information while being sufficiently simple for implementation. In this...
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We demonstrate the advantages of a climate treaty based solely on rules for international permit markets when there is uncertainty about abatement costs and environmental damages. Such a ‘Rules Treaty’ comprises a scaling factor and a refunding rule. Each signatory can freely choose the...
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of agent’s risk aversion. Also, uncertainty exhibits different effects on mitigation policy and capital investment … according to the availability of ecosystem services. Importantly, both the risk aversion and the availability of ecosystem …
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We present a simple approach to transform a deterministic numerical model, where several agents simultaneously make decisions, into a stochastic model. This approach, which builds on scenario aggregation, a numerical method developed to solve decision problems under uncertainty, is used to build...
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theory under uncertainty, we show that abatement is decreasing in the probability of success of SRM, but that this relation …
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-probability extreme events on environmental policy in a continuous-time real options model with 'tail risk'. In a nutshell, our results … indicate the importance of tail risk and call for foresighted pre-emptive climate policies. …
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assumption of (intertemporal) risk neutrality reduces the growth effect in social discounting and significantly amplifies the … importance of risk and correlation. Second, debate and models largely overlook the difference in attitude with respect to risk … and with respect to non-risk uncertainty. The paper derives the resulting changes of the risk-free and the stochastic …
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