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described in the literature: the loss distribution approach and the extreme value theory (EVT). Within the EVT analysis, two …
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Operationelle Risiken stellen für Banken nach dem Kreditrisiko die zweitwichtigste Risikokategorie dar. Ein effektives Risikomanagement der operationellen Risiken dürfte in Zukunft ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsfaktor sein. Im Rahmen der Neuregelung der bankaufsichtsrechtlichen Vorgaben...
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of 2006 and recent severe operational risk loss events. This paper focuses on operational risk measurement techniques and … bank is analyzed using several approaches. Multiple statistical concepts such as the Loss Distribution Approach or the … this method, custom plausible loss events defined in a particular scenario are merged with the original data sample and …
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Central bankers wish to ensure worldwide that large-value transfer systems, as a component of the key market infrastructure, exhibit sufficiently robust levels of operational resilience. We focus on the operational resilience of the Hungarian real time gross settlement system, known as VIBER....
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Diese wirtschaftsethische Reflexion geht angesichts einer sehr lautschrillen öffentlichen Debatte der Frage nach, ob ein profitabler Weltkonzern wie Siemens Betriebsstandorte in strukturschwachen Regionen Ostdeutschlands schließen darf. Dem die Öffentlichkeit dominierenden Wahrnehmungsmuster...
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banks, require the use of historic operational loss data. Operational loss databases are typically subject to a minimum … estimates when the threshold is ignored. Using publicly available operational loss data, we analyze the effects of model … misspecification on resulting expected loss, Value-at-Risk, and Conditional Value-at-Risk figures and show that underestimation of the …
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Values of tranche spreads of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) are driven by the joint default performance of the assets in the collateral pool. The dependence between the names in the portfolio mainly depends on current economic conditions. Therefore, a correlation implied from tranches...
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One of the biggest risks arising from financial operations is the risk of counterparty default, commonly known as a credit risk. Leaving unmanaged, the credit risk would, with a high probability, result in a crash of a bank. In our paper, we will focus on the credit risk quantification...
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