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This paper studies the impact of counter-party default risk of forward contracts on a firm's production and hedging …
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für derivative Finanzinstrumente, ihre Bewertung und ihren Ausweis im Jahresabschluss schaffen wollten, zeigt der hier … Mittel zur Risikoabsicherung, das so genannte "Hedging". Fallbeispiele und zahlreiche Abbildungen veranschaulichen die z. T … Risikomanagement. …
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corporate hedging: equity value maximising strategies and strategies determined by managerial risk aversion. The first category … distress and costs of external finance or to replace home-made hedging by shareholders. The second category considers that … managers maximise their personal utility rather than the market value of equity. Their hedging strategy, therefore, is …
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additional delivery risk on hedgers. This paper derives the optimal production and futures hedging strategy for a risk …
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currency hedging strategies, for a series of 7 models,using Bayesian inference and decision analysis. The models differ in the … comparethe hedging decisions and financial returns and utilities as they result from the modellingassumptions and the attitudes …
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We propose several connectedness measures built from pieces of variance decompositions, and we argue that they provide natural and insightful measures of connectedness among financial asset returns and volatilities. We also show that variance decompositions define weighted, directed networks, so...
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. We find that, depending on whether futures contracts are used for risk reduction (i.e., hedging) or risk taking (i …
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Using a two-moment decision model this paper analyzes corporate hedging behavior in the presence of unified and …, therefore, the incentive for hedging reduces. We demonstrate that pure hedging is differently affected by taxation than … speculative hedging is. Analysing tax-sensitivity of the corporate hedge shows that a higher risk in the first place may reduce …
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The paper shows the ways of disclosing financial risks by IFRS 7 and certain types of sensitivity analysis. The different possibilities of preparing a sensitivity analysis, such as value at risk are illustrated and their suitability for reporting are faced critically. Following, the manner of...
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Since the mid-nineties, agricultural economists discuss the suitability of "weather derivatives" as hedging instruments …, weather derivative markets for the agricultural sector are still in their infancy all-over the world. Some economists …. Others think that the low hedging effectiveness of (standardized and non-customized) weather contracts cripple the market …
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