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This paper studies the role of communication and reputation in market interactions using data from online procurement … auctions. Not only positive reputation ratings but also engaging in communication increases a bidder's probability of winning …Diese Studie analysiert die Einflüsse von Kommunikation und Reputation auf Märkten mit Hilfe von Daten aus Online …
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We provide a game theoretic analysis of how power shapes the clarity of communication. We analyze information … by an experiment. Finally, we show how partial information transmission can lead to communication failure, and show how …
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Since campaign finance reform is usually motivated by the concern that existing legislation can not effectively prevent campaign contributions to 'buy favors', this paper assumes that contributions influence political decisions. But, given that it is also widely recognized that interest groups...
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We introduce the notion of verifiable information into a model of sequential debate among experts who are motivated by … career concerns. We show that self-censorship may hamper the efficiency of information aggregation, as experts withhold … phenomenon, and the probability of the correct state of the world being revealed always converges to one as the group of experts …
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Decision makers lacking crucial specialist know-how often consult with better informed but biased experts. In our model …, and to situations with multiple experts and uncertainty about the size of the expert's bias. …
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gradually builds up her reputation. Principal provides full information in every period as long as he has always observed his …
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We analyze a repeated cheap-talk game in which the receiver is privately informed about the conflict of interest between herself and the sender and either the sender or the receiver controls the stakes involved in their relationship. We focus on payoff-dominant equilibria that satisfy a...
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This paper characterizes geometrically the set of all Nash equilibrium payoffs achievable with unmediated communication …
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suggest that this effect is due to attempts at restoring the announcements' reputation in the aftermath of heavy cheating. …
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-talk communication raises efficiency in bilateral contracting situations with adverse selection. We replicate their finding and check its … robustness by introducing competition between agents. We find that communication and competition act as substitutes …: communication raises efficiency in the absence of competition but lowers efficiency with competition, and competition raises …
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