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In diesem Beitrag wird die Einsatzmöglichkeit eines Kreditderivats vom Typ einer Kreditoption für eine Bank untersucht. Das Management des Kreditrisikos erfährt in jüngerer Zeit besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Gestiegenen Kreditausfallrisiken begegnen Kreditinstitute mehr und mehr durch die...
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We examine what are common factors that determine systematic credit risk and estimate and interpret the common risk factors. We also compare the contributions of common factors in explaining the changes of credit default swap (CDS) spreads during the pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis period....
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This study calibrates the term structure of risk premia before and during the 2007/2008 financial crisis using a new calibration approach based on credit default swaps. The risk premium term structure was flat before the crisis and downward sloping during the crisis. The instantaneous risk...
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We model 1927-1997 U.S. business failure rates using a time series approach based on unobserved components. Clear evidence is found of cyclical behavior in default rates. The cycle has a period of around 10 years. We also detect longer term movements in default probabilities and default...
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In the framework of the industrial economics approach to banking we extend the analysis of hedging against default on loans to the case of two types of credit risk. Standard results on the optimal hedge volume and the hedging effectivity from the single?risk case are shown to carry over to the...
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Makroderivate als Instrumente des Hedging von Kreditrisiko durch eine große Bank zu untersuchen. In einem partialanalytischen Ansatz …
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liquidity shock, separating information maximum likelihood estimation of the integrated volatility and covariance with micro … regime-switching approaches, quantitative evaluation of contingent capital and its applications, high quantiles estimation …
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This paper decomposes the explained part of the CDS spread changes of 31 listed euro area banks according to various risk drivers. The choice of the credit risk drivers is inspired by the Merton (1974) model. Individual CDS liquidity and other market and business variables are identified to...
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When a sovereign faces the risk of debt default, it may be tempted to expropriate the private sector. This may be one reason why international investment in private companies has to take into account the sovereign risk. But the likelihood of sovereign risk transferring to corporates and...
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This paper applies regression analysis to investigate the fundamental factors of the variation of CDS index tranches. The sample comprises daily data on the tranche premia of the European iTraxx and North American CDX index from the start of the market in summer 2004 to January 2008. I estimate...
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