Showing 1 - 10 of 106
Frauen sind in Führungspositionen insgesamt noch immer deutlich unterrepräsentiert. Der sogenannte Gender Leadership Gap, also die Differenz zwischen dem Anteil von Frauen an allen abhängig Beschäftigten und dem Anteil von Frauen in hohen Führungspositionen, variiert zwischen einzelnen...
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Women remain grossly underrepresented in management positions in Germany. However, what has been dubbed the gender leadership gap, i.e., the difference between the share of all employees who are women and the share of women in senior management positions, varies considerably across different...
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Women are still in the clear minority among the financial sector's top decision-making bodies. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, 21 percent of the supervisory and administrative board members of the 100 largest banks were female. The number has stagnated...
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Nach wie vor sind Frauen in Spitzengremien des Finanzsektors deutlich in der Minderheit. Dem Managerinnen-Barometer des DIW Berlin zufolge waren die Aufsichts- und Verwaltungsräte der 100 größten Banken Ende des Jahres 2016 zu gut 21 Prozent mit Frauen besetzt. Damit stagnierte der Anteil...
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Trotz Fusionen und Finanzkrise hat sich im Finanzsektor wenig geändert: Der Frauenanteil in den Spitzengremien der großen Banken und Versicherungen in Deutschland blieb auch 2010 auf einem extrem niedrigen Niveau. Innovationspotentiale, die sich aus einer deutlichen Erhöhung des Frauenanteils...
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This paper reviews the impact of the global financial turmoil and the subsequent recession on the economies of southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. The major effects on the economies of this region have come through transmission channels associated with the real economy, i.e. the global...
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This article presents an original spatial methodology based on a network analysis approach in order to identify and to track spatial similarities among economic activities as well as to analyse their interdependence. Traditionally, such interdependence is analysed using input-output matrices...
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This article offers a narrative of the Spanish crisis building upon previous literature and the papers published in this issue. This narrative focuses on two main topics: (1) the reasons why the Spanish economy embarked in the expansionary/speculative path resulting in an over-accumulation of...
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Financialisation is a complex and dynamic process of enlarging the monetary and financial relations in economy and society. This paper deals with the analysis of the financial market structure such as: the role and magnitude of financial sectors, the dynamics of the banking sector versus the...
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We investigate how differential exposures by German banks to the US real estate market during the recent financial crisis affect their corporate lending in Germany. Using unique bank-level exposure data, we distinguish between three different types of bank exposures, i.e. direct exposure to the...
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