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The authors construct a historical database of public investment (both total and broken down into its main components) for the period 1925 to 1981 in order to measure its impact on economic activity. Given the possible presence of crowding-out effects between public investment and private...
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Mexican economic historiography recognizes the key role that public investment played in the country's economic performance from the post-revolutionary period until the beginning of the economic liberalization that began in the mid-1980s. However, there is no concrete empirical evidence that...
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The opening up of the Mexican economy completely transformed the growth dynamics of the per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country's various states, with a clear tendency towards growth being concentrated in specific regions. In this study, we quantify the indirect or spillover...
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In this study we use data on the productive structure of Mexican states to compute a measure of economic complexity for each, as well as for each economic activity conducted there. The results show that the states differ in terms of the economic activities in which they specialize and,...
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We analyze the relationship between the economic growth rate and a rule of law indicator in Mexican states during the period 2006-2013. Specifically, we employ information regarding the time it takes to solve commercial disputes in local courts, which we use as a proxy variable to measure the...
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It has been found that the t-statistic for testing the null of no relationship between two independent variables diverges asymptotically under a wide variety of nonstationary data generating processes. This paper introduces a simple method which guarantees convergence of this t-statistic to a...
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This paper extends recent research on the behaviour of the t-statistic in a long-horizon regression (LHR). We assume that the explanatory and dependent variables are generated according to the following models: a linear trend stationary process, a broken trend stationary process, a unit root...
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Over the last three decades, Mexico's macroeconomic policy has been driven by a sound orthodox strategy: an open economy via many trade agreements signed since the mid-1980s, a nominal exchange rate under a flexible regime since 1994, central bank autonomy, and responsible fiscal policy, among...
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Polynomial specifications are widely used, not only in applied economics, but also in epidemiology, physics, political analysis and psychology, just to mention a few examples. In many cases, the data employed to estimate such specifications are time series that may exhibit stochastic...
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