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The main purpose of this study is to investigate empirically the impact of energy consumption and economic growth on the environmental degradation as measured by CO2 emissions. We utilize the cointegration test, the fully modified OLS, and the panel causality to examine the causality between...
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In this paper, we empirically investigate the causal nexus between economic growth (GDP), CO2 emissions (environmental degradation), financial development, and trade openness using the ordinary least squares technique for a yearly panel data of 40 European economies, during the period of study...
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There is a multi-dimensional need for studying the energy situation in Turkey and to ob-tain insight into the development of CO2 emissions. On the one hand, recent projections of the OECD show that Turkey has a yearly GDP growth potential of over 7%. On the other hand, recent projections of UNDP...
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The Russian economy boomed in the period of rising energy prices. That period coincided roughly with the era of Vladimir Putin's presidency (2000-2008). The speed of Russia's catching-up was then even faster than that of the new EU member states from Central and Eastern Europe. Surging energy...
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This study examines the Granger causality between electricity consumption and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Pakistan using annual data covering the period 1971 to 2007. Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and Phillips-Perron test reveal that both the series, after logarithmic transformation, are...
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While most African economies are primarily sandwiched with the seemingly unsurmountable task of attaining consistent economic growth and unhindered energy supply, the enormous threat posed by environmental degradation has further complicated the economic and environmental sustainability drive....
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In this era of intensive electricity utilization for economic development, the role of urbanization remains inconclusive, especially in developing economies. Here, this study examined the electricity consumption and economic growth nexus in a trivariate framework by incorporating urbanization as...
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The study explores the link between electricity consumption, urbanization and economic growth in Nigeria from 1971-2014. The bounds test and the Bayer and Hanck (2013) cointegration tests affirm cointegrating relationship. Electricity consumption increases economic growth in both time periods,...
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Our study uses a small area estimation method to estimate the average and inequality of per capita kWh consumption for small areas in Vietnam. It shows evidence of a large spatial heterogeneity in the electric power consumption between districts and provinces in Vietnam. Households in the...
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Gegenstand dieses Beitrags ist ein Überblick über den Status quo des Strombinnenmarkts und die jüngsten Kommissionsvorschläge für eine Änderung der Stromrichtlinie und den Erlass einer Netznutzungsverordnung für grenzüberschreitende Stromlieferungen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird der Frage...
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