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In order to stage a sustained encounter between literary theory and Marxian political economy, this paper initiates a dialogue between Walter Benjamin's "The Task of the Translator" on one hand, and Marx's Capital, on the other. I will theorize the two-fold transition from the language of labor...
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The present paper on the now partly well known Russian mathematician and amateur economist v. Charasoff was originally written in 1987 together with H. Duffner three years after Charasoff's remarkable contribution of 1910 Das System des Marxismus (The system of Marxism) had been rediscovered by...
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Marx's analysis of the determination of the general rate of profit and of the associated relative prices is based on the conceptual distinction between law of value and law of exchange. The law of value states that simple, necessary abstract labour is the substance and measure of the value of...
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This paper compares Marx's economics with those by Sraffa, Keynes, Kalecki and Minsky. The paper takes an "ex post" view on the matter and rather looks at the output side of the respective authors, but not at the input side. This means no attempt is made at studying in a systematic way, if and...
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Income inequality in China is severe; measured by the Gini-coefficient it amounted to 0.46 in 2011; wealth distribution is even worse with 0.61. These disparities led to a major shift in emphasis of politics in general and of the Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development by the...
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Austrian economist Ludwig Mises's central role in the socialist calculation debates has been consensually acknowledged since the early 1920s. Yet, only recently, Nemeth, O'Neill, Uebel, and others have drawn particular attention to Mises's pertinent encounter with one of the most colorful...
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This paper compares Marx's economics with those by Sraffa, Keynes, Kalecki and Minsky. The paper takes an 'ex post' view on the matter and looks at the output side of the respective authors, but not at the input side. This means no attempt is made to study in a systematic way whether and to what...
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This part is devoted to simulation experiments based on the simulation model developed in part I from the value-theoretic reconstruction of the main parts of Marx’s critique of Political Economy. After introducing the main parameters and the range of their variation (Section 1), a singular run...
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The background for the present elaboration is twofold: firstly, the ongoing debate about whether the Marxian theory of value has been damaged (or even destroyed) by the alleged impossibility of solving the ‘transformation problem’ and secondly, the fact that almost all of the (later)...
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In this paper, I investigate the phenomenon of long waves of capitalist development from two perspectives. First, I look for evidence of long waves of economic growth taking the dates for turning points of long waves from the historical literature (Mandel, 1995). Using historical data for 20...
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