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-discount factor parameter space cooperation equilibria are strictly risk dominated by non-cooperation (according to the Harsanyi …We find that contrary to common perception, cooperation as equilibrium of the infinitely repeated discounted prisoner …-Selten 1988 criterion). Examples include collusion equilibria in the repeated Cournot duopoly. …
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we add beliefs as a control variable, we only find that externalities enhance cooperation, even if gains from collusion … cooperation, undercutting is defection. Jointly, competitors are better off if both are faithful to a cartel. Individually, profit … is highest if only the competitor(s) is (are) loyal to the cartel. Yet collusion inflicts harm on the opposite market …
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intertemporal substitution facilitates co-operation by decreasing their evaluation of short-run gains from deviations and increasing … that of losses from punishments. Goods' markets and money may hinder co-operation by allowing players to reallocate short … markets always make co-operation harder. Financial markets' imperfections facilitate co-operation by opposing this effect. …
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of a Prisoner's Dilemma game. When time preferences are heterogeneous and bounded away from one, how "much" cooperation … can be achieved by an ongoing group? How does group cooperation vary with the group's size and structure? For an arbitrary … distribution of discount factors, we characterize the maximal average co-operation (MAC) likelihood of this game. The MAC …
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what kind of formats are in place related to coordination and networking of border regions within national settings. The …, namely centralist, decentral and selective coordination as well as transnational and laisser-faire approaches. On this basis … spielt. Es stellt sich die Frage, welche Formate der Koordination und Vernetzung von Grenzregionen im nationalen Rahmen …
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with 50% probability. In the tradition of Folk Theorems we show that both, mutual defection and mutual cooperation until …
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In this paper we take up a model of Okada (1996) to describe the possibility of collective cooperation in a n …
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approach is based on the following six "aspects" of a player's behavior: round-1 cooperation, lenience, forgiveness, loyalty …, leadership, and following. Using a laboratory experiment, we explore how aspects are correlated between each other in a given …
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This paper introduces a two-sided methodological framework for studies on cooperation based on a new game design … decision problem. Decision makers can choose an individual level of cooperation from a given range of possible actions. Within … applying our framework. Palestinians show a substantially higher cooperation level in the positive externality treatment. In …
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We use skin conductance responses and self-reports of hedonic valence to study the emotional basis of cooperation and …. The application of sanctions activates a virtuous emotional circle that accompanies cooperation. Emotionally aroused … punished, and increase their subsequent level of cooperation. The outcome is an increased level of contribution that becomes …
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