Showing 1 - 10 of 332
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This paper contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating that the provision of communal water supply can be effective in improving child health if the targeted population shows adequate hygiene awareness and behavior. Until now, the fast growing body of literature on water development...
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Der Artikel umfasst eine quantitative polit-ökonomische Analyse aktueller und zukünftiger Reformen der Gemeinsamen Europäischen Agrarpolitik unter unterschiedlichen Szenarios einer zukünftigen EU-Osterweiterung und zukünftigen WTO-Verhandlungen. Theoretische Grundlage der Analysen ist ein...
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The economic changes during transition involved a shift away from the planned foreign trade organization within the council for mutual economic assistance. Following a phase of farreaching trade policy liberalization, the agricultural sector in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC)...
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Croatia recently signed several trade liberalisation agreements. The cornerstones of its trade policy are WTO membership, the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU and Croatia's application of membership as well as bilateral free trade agreements within the Stability Pact for South...
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This paper analyzes why the Association Agreements between the Central and Eastern European countries, referred to as Central European Associates (CEAs), and the European Union (EU) have failed with respect to agriculture. In the first part of the paper the development and importance of...
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Dieses Diskussionspapier analysiert die Agrarhandelsstruktur der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder (MOEL) seit dem Beginn des Transformationsprozesses und schätzt die Potentiale im Agrarhandel insbesondere im Hinblick auf einen Beitritt dieser Länder zu Europäischen Union (EU) ab. Die...
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The literature on food security has mainly been focused on causes, effects, and/or the nature of the crisis. However, there have been only a few attempts to understand how the discourse on the subject matter was shaped and is still being shaped at present. Food security is at the intersection of...
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Over the past decade, most OECD countries have begun to reform fundamentally their agricultural policies. Some dispute has emerged over the extent to which policy-making at the international level has triggered these reforms. These disputes raise important theoretical questions about how we...
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