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During the last decades a wide literature has focused on the relationship volume-volatility on financial markets. This … paper investigates the temporal dynamics of volatility and volumes, supposing, as in Bollerslev and Jubinsky (1999), that …. We analyze the volume-volatility relationship using IBM stocks data. In particular, we rely on the realized volatility …
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This paper analyzes the relationship between currency price changes and their expectations. Currency price change expectations are derived with the help of different order flow measures, from the trading behavior of investors on OANDA FXTrade, which is an internet trading platform in the foreign...
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mean or the volatility - depends on both news announcements and order flow. We conclude that news on the EUR/HUF market are …
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We consider the finite sample power of various tests against serial correlation in the disturbances of a linear regression when these disturbances follow a stationary long memory process. It emerges that the power depends on the form of the regressor matrix and that, for the Durbin-Watson test...
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evolves over time and that it is different under different market conditions defined by exchange rate volatility. Further, we …
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We consider the properties of three estimation methods for integrated volatility, i.e. realized volatility, the Fourier … generating mechanisms for the instantaneous volatility process, e.g. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, long memory, and jump processes. The … volatility process. However, bid-ask bounce effects render realized volatility and especially the wavelet estimator less useful …
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. Daily data reveal significant differences in volatility on the last of three meeting days when the interest rate … macroeconomic news effects on the foreign exchange market. We find evidence for non-linear regime switching between a high-volatility …, informed-trading state and a low-volatility, liquidity-trading state. MPC surprise announcements are shown significantly to …
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The aim of this paper is to detect periods in which two currencies can be classified as being the'same' asset. Two currencies can be treated as the same asset if their exchange rates vis-à-vis the same base currency are cointegrated with a cointegration vector that is consistent with the...
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Though unambiguously outperforming all other financial markets in terms of liquidity, foreign exchange trading is still performed in opaque and decentralized markets. In particular, the two-tier market structure consisting of a customer segment and an interdealer segment to which only market...
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particularly interested in volatility modelling and forecasting given their importance for FOREX dealers. Compared with previous …
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