Showing 1 - 10 of 514
Lange Zeit kamen in Deutschland nur die besser bezahlten Arbeitskräfte in den Genuss von Reallohnsteigerungen. Die abhängig Beschäftigten mit niedrigen Stundenentgelten mussten dagegen erhebliche Reallohnverluste hinnehmen und zeitweilig breitete sich der Niedriglohnsektor immer mehr aus....
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For many years, only better-paid workers benefited from Germany's real wage increases. In contrast, dependent employees with lower hourly wages suffered substantial losses, while the low-wage sector expanded. Around 2010, these trends came to an end. Now all wage groups benefit from wage...
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Die ehemaligen 'West-Parteien' Union und SPD, aber auch FDP und Bündnis90/Die Grünen rekrutieren ihre Wählerschaft auch heute noch eher in den alten Bundesländern. Die Linke und die AfD haben im Osten eine stärkere Basis. In den Großstädten wird eher 'links' gewählt, also SPD, Linke und...
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Trotz relativ großer Stammwählerschaften verbuchten CDU/ CSU und SPD bei der Bundestagswahl 2017 starke Verluste, weil sich viel mehr frühere Wähler und Wählerinnen abwandten als neue hinzukamen. Vor allem Beschäftigte mit Tätigkeiten mittlerer Qualifikation sowie Personen im Ruhestand...
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We analyze the incentive mechanism of individual micro-lending contracts and we compare its key factors with those of joint-liability loan contracts. Using our data set, we firstly show that in the individual contract there are three elements, the demand for non-conventional collateral, a...
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Models to the issue of altruism which rely on externalities of well-being are rarely used explicitly. In this paper we compare such utility-based approaches with the standard approach on altruism which is based on externalities of income. Testable differences of both types of models are derived...
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A series of experiments compares bargaining behavior under three different settings: no arbitration, conventional and final offer arbitration. Under no arbitration disputes with zero payoffs were around 10%, while the pie was equally split in less than half of the cases. Under conventional...
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We empirically examine the efficacy of various incentives of microlending contracts such as joint-liability or group access to future loans. We find that joint liability induces a group formation of low risk borrowers. Furthermore, the incentive system leads to peer measures between the...
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In Dictator Game experiments where the information status of the recipient varies we find that a certain type of donator tends to reduce his offer when the recipient has incomplete information about the pie size. This result provides new evidence on those approaches on altruism, which assume...
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For many people "solidarity" has become a meaningless word used in slogans - too often used without leading to any economic consequences. We show in this paper conditions under which solidarity can be a powerful instrument. In a solidary action, an individual in a group contributes to a series...
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