Showing 1 - 10 of 271
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, den Entwicklungsstand und die Wirtschaftlichkeit des wichtigsten Betriebszweigs vieler landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen in der Ukraine, der Getreideproduktion, zu analysieren. Als methodisches Instrumentarium werden dabei die...
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Policy, administration and industry need medium-term projections of the expected developments in the agri-food markets for their decision-making processes. The EU Commission presents such projections for the EU as a whole in December of each year. Those projections and their assumptions...
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This paper provides a general overview of the current status and key challenges of the Ethiopian wheat value chain. Wheat is an important staple food crop in Ethiopia. Improving wheat production and productivity is therefore a key part of the agenda in the Ethiopian government's food security...
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The paper presents the evolution of the market for the main cereal crops (wheat, corn, barley) at the national level in the period 2017-2021. These cereals, as well as others, constitute one of the groups of food carriers that occupy the largest share of the total food consumed, representing for...
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Die vergangenen anderthalb Jahre haben sich für die Getreideproduzenten weltweit und in der EU zeitweise von ihrer besten Seite präsentiert. Die gezahlten Preise für Weizen haben ein Rekordhoch erreicht, von Mai 2007 bis Februar 2008 haben sie sich um mehr als das 1,7fache erhöht. Bis Juli...
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Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Handlungsoptionen im Bereich der Getreidemarktpolitik (Abschaffung der Gersteintervention sowie der Flächenstilllegung). Die quantitative Analyse wird mit dem partiellen Gleichgewichtsmodell AGMEMOD uud dem...
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The global hunger indices of 2008 and 2009 (Grebmer et al. 2008, 2009) point to persistently high levels of hunger and food insecurity and a worsening of the situation due to rising crop prices. At the same time, there is a lack of empirical knowledge on the demand- and supply-side determinants...
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One does not read very far into Smith's work without encountering apparent inconsistencies. Perhaps the most troubling arise in the discussion of the corn trade, where, contrary to his well-known principle that trade protection and subsidies draw to the favored industry a greater share of the...
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Asia and the South Caucasus. Increased grain production in the Black Sea region, and in Russia specifically, is crucial for …, this study finds the wheat market of Russia segmented, with the primary wheat export region poorly integrated into the …
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Russia, a former net importer of wheat, has developed into one of the leading actors in the world wheat market within the last decade. Forecasts suggest that Russia's share in the world market may increase even further and Russia might become the world's largest wheat exporter by 2020. One key...
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