Showing 1 - 10 of 407
In our paper targets, by setting a reserve price, screen acquirers on their (expected) ability to generate merger-speci?c synergies. Both empirical evidence and many common merger models suggest that the di?erence between high- and low-synergy mergers becomes smaller during booms. This implies...
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We present an ex-post analysis of the effects of GDF's acquisition of Suez in 2006 created one of the world's largest energy companies. We perform an econometric analysis, based on Difference-in-Difference techniques on the market for trading on the Zeebrugge gas hub in Belgium. Removing...
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Ownership of publicly listed German companies has undergone significant changes in recent years. The aim of this report is to document these trends since 2007 and analyze the extent to which firms that compete in the same product market are owned by the same investors, which is known as common...
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Die Eigentümerstrukturen börsennotierter deutscher Unternehmen haben sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich verändert. Von besonderem Interesse ist dabei das Phänomen der gemeinsamen Eigentümerstrukturen, das international mit dem Begriff "Common Ownership" bezeichnet wird. Dabei werden...
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Wenn man vor allem die Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die untere und mittlere Einkommen beziehen, steuerlich entlasten will, sollte man nicht die Einkommensteuer senken, sondern die Mehrwertsteuer. Eine Senkung des Mehrwertsteuer-Regelsatzes um einen Prozentpunkt auf 18 Prozent würde die...
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EMELIE-ESY is a partial equilibrium model with focus on electricity markets. Private investors optimize their generation capacity investment and dispatch over the horizon 2010 to 2050. In the framework of the Energy Modeling Forum 28, we investigate how climate policy regimes affect market...
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This paper investigates the sustainability of the German economy when reaching the Kyoto emissions reduction target. We use a special intergenerational discounting technique which actually takes into account intergenerational peculiarities in an overlapping generations modeling framework which...
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In Anbetracht des Klimawandels stehen wir vor großen Herausforderungen, Mittel und Wege zu finden, die Emissionen von Treibhausgasen wie Kohlendioxid (CO2), Methan (CH4) und Lachgas (N2O) zu reduzieren beziehungsweise diese Gase aus der Atmosphäre zu entfernen. Es wird verstärkt diskutiert,...
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We analyze the current regulatory regime for electricity transmission in Germany, which combines network planning with both cost-plus and revenue-cap regulations. After reviewing international experiences on transmission investment, we first make a qualitative assessment of the overall German...
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We study the strategic utilization of storage in imperfect electricity markets. We apply a game-theoretic Cournot model to the German power market and analyze different counterfactual and realistic cases of pumped hydro storage. Our main finding is that both storage utilization and...
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