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This paper investigates determinants of convergence in GDP per capita in the euro area and the EU between 1995 and 2021. It finds that the COVID-19 crisis temporarily slowed convergence but the estimated negative impact is significantly smaller than during the global financial crisis. Diverging...
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New Zealand's unrelenting current account deficits, its trade performance and high external debt level remain central to ongoing economic policy debates. However, what has been overlooked in the discussion of New Zealand's economic relations with its trading partners is the positive contribution...
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poverty reduction in five different geographic regions - Brazil, the Northeastern region, the state of Bahia, the metropolitan … the Programa Bolsa Família. Thus, both growth and redistribution contributed decisively to poverty reduction in Brazil and …-term prospects for pro-poor growth and poverty reduction in Brazil will hinge on a more equitable labor market in the Northeastern …
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access density in Brazil and the GDP and GDP per capita growth. Broadband access densities, GDP, GDP per capita and the …
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This work aims to analyze if the trajectory and composition of net and gross, public debt and external liabilities can hinder the growth of Brazilian GDP. The work concludes that fiscal indicators are more comfortable that external indicators. The net public debt is falling and less linked to...
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impact on the GDP and GDP per capita, resulted of the increase in the broadband internet access diffusion in Brazil …
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We derive forecast weights and uncertainty measures for assessing the role of individual series in a dynamic factor model (DFM) to forecast euro area GDP from monthly indicators. The use of the Kalman filter allows us to deal with publication lags when calculating the above measures. We find...
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Euro area GDP and components are nowcast and forecast one quarter ahead. Based on a dataset of 163 series comprising the relevant monthly indicators, simple bridge equations with one explanatory variable are estimated for each. The individual forecasts generated by each equation are then pooled,...
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In this paper we propose a methodology to estimate a dynamic factor model on data sets with an arbitrary pattern of missing data. We modify the Expectation Maximisation (EM) algorithm as proposed for a dynamic factor model by Watson and Engle (1983) to the case with general pattern of missing...
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Dieser Beitrag diskutiert die Grundlagen des P*-Ansatzes und vergleicht seine Prognoseleistung mit derjenigen nicht-monetärer Inflationsindikatoren für den Euro-Raum. Die Relevanz der Quantitätstheorie, die Stabilität der Geldnachfrage und die Rolle von Geldmengen im Transmissionsmechanismus...
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