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This paper identifies conditions under which, starting from any tax distorting equilibrium, destination- and origin-based indirect tax-harmonizing reforms are potentially Pareto improving in the presence of global public goods. The first condition (unrequited transfers between governments)...
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In this article we define and characterize a class of asymmetric leximin solutions, that contains both the symmetric leximin solution of Imai[5] and the two-person asymmetric Kalai-Smorodinsky solution of Dubra [3] as special cases. Solutions in this class combine three attractive features: they...
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The paper examines the problem of aggregating infinite utility streams with a social welfare function which respects the Anonymity and Weak Pareto Axioms. It provides a complete characterization of domains (of the one period utilities) on which such an aggregation is possible. A social welfare...
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Sectoral labor supply shortage is a cause of concern in many OECD countries and has raised support for immigration as a potential remedy. In this paper, we derive a general equilibrium model with overlapping generations, where natives require a compensating wage differential for working in one...
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Drawing on a new analytical framework provided by the economic theory of optimal legal areas, this paper identifies the … factors determining the optimal size of the European Union. It applies this theory to the question of how enlargement affects …
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An Hand eines OLG-Modells vom Auerbach-Kotlikoff-Typ werden in dieser Arbeit die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Wirkungen einer ökologischen Steuerreform untersucht. Das Aufkommen aus einer indirekten Steuer auf den Umweltverbrauch wird zur Senkung der Beiträge zur Sozialversicherung verwendet. Es...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag erörtert, inwiefern staatliche Subventionen ein Instrument zur Internalisierung ökonomischer Außenwirkungen (externer Effekte) sind, dass den Ergebnissen des Standortwettbewerbs zu mehr Effizienz verhilft. Der Wettbewerb um Direktinvestitionen wird durch ein einfaches...
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This paper studies an overlapping generations model with stochastic production and incomplete markets to assess whether the introduction of an unfunded social security system leads to a Pareto improvement. When returns to capital and wages are imperfectly correlated a system that endows retired...
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Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob Kompensationszahlungen an die Verlierer der Transformation zu einer Verminderung des Konfliktes zwischen ihnen und den Gewinnern führen können. Eine Lösung des Konfliktes ist essentiell für die Weiterführung des Reformprozesses in den...
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The article proposes an enabling mechanism for the creation, adjustment and dissolution of governmental units, giving autonomy to each individual as in a direct democracy. The mechanism is designed such that Pareto optimality is possible, in contrast to earlier models which make various...
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