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future mortality shape. Concerning forecasting phase, academics should approach a more plausible way in order to think a …In the field of mortality, the Lee-Carter based approach can be considered the milestone to forecast mortality rates …-Carter model, the κ t parameter, describing the mortality trend over time, plays an important role about the future …
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We present a new way to model age-specific demographic variables with the example of age-specific mortality in the U … jointly with the latent variables underlying mortality of all age classes. In contrast to previous models, a similar … particular parameter uncertainty is important for long-run forecasts. This implies that hitherto existing forecasting methods …
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are mechanisms through which SES, health and mortality are related. Our model predicts a widening and possibly a …
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This paper develops the theoretical foundations and the testable implications of the various mechanisms that have been proposed as possible triggers for the demographic transition. Moreover, it examines the empirical validity of each of the theories and their significance for the understanding...
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This paper develops the theoretical foundations and the testable implications of the various mechanisms that have been proposed as possible triggers for the demographic transition. Moreover, it examines the empirical validity of each of the theories and their significance for the understanding...
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Our societies are witnessing a steady increase in longevity. This demographic evolution is accompanied by some convergence across countries, whereas substantial longevity inequalities persist within nations. The goal of this paper is to survey some crucial implications of changing longevity on...
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fundamental importance. We propose a simple statistical method for short-term real-time forecasting of the number of Covid-19 …
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Extrapolative methods are one of the most commonly-adopted forecasting approaches in the literature on projecting … future mortality rates. It can be argued that there are two types of mortality models using this approach. The first extracts …-parametric smoothing techniques to model mortality and thus has no explicit constraints placed on the model. We argue that from a …
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of them forecasting future mortality rates by extrapolating one or more latent factors. The abundance of proposed models … shows that forecasting future mortality from historical trends is non-trivial. Following the idea proposed in Deprez et al … parameter (the machine learning estimator), improving the goodness of fit of standard stochastic mortality models. The machine …
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be used to obtain a parsimonious and coherent predictive model for mortality forecasting. We analyze how COVID-19-type …Predicting the evolution of mortality rates plays a central role for life insurance and pension funds. Standard single … decomposition of the mortality surface into a polynomial basis. Then, we show how regularization techniques and cross-validation can …
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