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We present results from a series of experiments that allow us to measure overbidding and, in particular, underbidding … in first-price auctions. We investigate how the amount of underbidding depends on seemingly innocent parameters of the …
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overbidding in auctions. As a workhorse we use the second-price all-pay and the first-price winner-pay auction. Both risk and …In this paper we use an experiment to compare a theory of risk aversion and a theory of spite as an explanation for …. Indeed, we find that spite is a more convincing explanation for bidding behavior for the second-price all-pay auction. Not …
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The paper characterizes the mixed-strategy equilibria in all-pay auctions with endogenous prizes that depend positively on own effort and negatively on the effort of competitors. Such auctions arise naturally in the context of investment games, lobbying games, and promotion tournaments. We also...
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Deviations from equilibrium bids in auctions can be related to inconsistent expectations with correct best replies (see Eyster and Rabin, 2005; Crawford and Iriberri, 2007) or correct expectations but small (perhaps quantal-response) mistakes in best replies (see Goeree et al., 2002). To distinguish...
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In this paper the sequence of winning bids in the public auction of used cars in New Jersey is examined for the … sale. In a further contrast to many other studies, these data indicate that the prices tend to increase as the auction …
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We analyze the welfare consequences of an increase in the commissions charged by the organizer of an auction … of tax incidence in consumer economics. We argue, however, that auction markets deserve a separate treatment. Indeed we …
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We consider auctions with price externality where all bidders derive utility from the winning price, such as charity auctions. In addition to the benefit to the winning bidder, all bidders obtain a benefit that is increasing in the winning price. Theory makes two predictions in such settings:...
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We experimentally investigate four allocation mechanisms - all based on the fair division approach, with varying bid elicitation methods and price rules - in terms of their allocation efficiency, distributional effects, and regularities in individual bidding behavior. In a repeated design, an...
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empirically, about the properties of charity auctions. The small theoretical literature suggests that the all-pay auction should … garner more money than winner-pay auctions. We conduct field experiments to test which sealed bid format, first price, second … price or all-pay raises the most money. Our experiment suggests that both the all-pay and second price formats are dominated …
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In a punishment experiment, we separate the demand for punishment in general from the demand to conduct punishment …, afterwards, subjects take part in a second price auction for the right to (physically) carry out the act of payoff reduction …
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