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We perform an extensive series of Monte Carlo experiments to compare the performance of two variants of the "Jackknife Instrumental Variables Estimator," or JIVE, with that of the more familiar 2SLS and LIML estimators. We find no evidence to suggest that JIVE should ever be used. It is always...
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We solve a class of identification problems for nonparametric and semiparametric models when the endogenous covariate is discrete with unbounded support. Then we proceed with an approach that resolves a polynomial basis problem for the above class of discrete distributions, and for the...
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There is already a small literature emphasising the empirical failure of the New Keynesian IS curve, but it is not yet known if this failure reflects empirical problems associated with small samples or is rather a structural weakness of the underlying model. To address this question, in this...
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First order conditions from the dynamic optimization problems of consumers and firms are important tools in empirical macroeconomics. When estimated on micro-data these equations are typically linearized so standard IV or GMM methods can be employed to deal with the measurement error that is...
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This paper examines estimation of the elasticity of taxable income using instrumental variable regression methods. It is argued that the standard instrument for the net-of-tax rate - the rate that would be applicable post-reform but with unchanged income levels - is unsatisfactory in contexts...
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We revisit the identification argument of Kirkeboen et al. (2016) who showed how one may combine instruments for multiple unordered treatments with information about individuals' ranking of these treatments to achieve identification while allowing for both observed and unobserved heterogeneity...
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Becker and Murphy (1988) constructed, in a well-known paper, a model of rational addiction in which people solve a dynamic optimization problem, choose an optimal timepath of drug consumption and thereby maximize lifetime utility. The model leads to the hypothesis that future consumption is a...
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In this paper nonparametric instrumental variable estimation of local average treatment effects (LATE) is extended to incorporate confounding covariates. Estimation of local average treatment effects is appealing since their identification relies on much weaker assumptions than the...
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This paper analyzes conditions under which various single-equation estimators are asymptotically normal in a simultaneous equations framework with many weak instruments. In particular, our paper adds to the many instruments asymptotic normality literature, including papers by Morimune (1983),...
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. In line with the theory, a municipality with stronger AE experiences lower (higher) tax effects if it is sufficiently …
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