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This paper investigates determinants of convergence in GDP per capita in the euro area and the EU between 1995 and 2021. It finds that the COVID-19 crisis temporarily slowed convergence but the estimated negative impact is significantly smaller than during the global financial crisis. Diverging...
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In recent decades, Zimbabwe's development record has been disappointing. In the last few years, a severe drought and the Covid-19 pandemic have added to the country's development challenges. This paper is concerned with the long-run need to find a path toward faster growth in GDP, employment,...
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Der private Verbrauch hat sich in den letzten Jahren in der Bundesrepublik nur schwach entwickelt. Stattdessen wurde vermehrt gespart. Ein großer Teil der Haushalte - 40 Prozent - kann allerdings kein Geld zurücklegen. Sparen können vor allem die Bezieher hoher Einkommen. Die zunehmende...
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The share of private consumption in gross domestic product is significant; therefore, private consumption has a great influence on economic growth, which makes it a major concept in economics. The purpose of the paper is to estimate and evaluate different forecasting models for private...
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While some Latin American countries remain in the middle of the pandemic and their governments have been either unable or unwilling to do anything about it, civil society has begun to initiate a considerable number of digital democratic innovations.
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The pandemic has revealed deficiencies of human rationality repeatedly pointed out by behavioural economists. And yet, the discipline must learn from the pandemic. The altruism it propagates has serious limitations that need reexamining.
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Booking an appointment for a Covid vaccination is tedious und like getting a ticket for the Olympic Games or a Lady Gaga concert, Those who currently hunt for appointments are 80 years and older. Rustamdjan Hakimov and Dorothea Kübler on restoring fairness and avoiding black markets.
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Countries restrict the overall extent of international travel and migration to balance the expected costs and benefits of mobility. Given the ever-present threat of new, future pandemics, how should permanent restrictions on mobility respond? A simple theoretical framework predicts that reduced...
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a potent mitigation mechanism during an epidemic or when the economy is re-opened after a temporary lockdown. We …, that the "Swedish solution" of letting the epidemic play out without much government intervention and allowing agents to …
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Fundamental rights are being restricted to combat the pandemic. Can we question these measures' appropriateness?
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