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In economies characterized by low labor demand and high rates of youth unemployment, entrepreneurship training has the potential to enable youth to gain skills and create their own jobs. This paper presents experimental evidence on a new entrepreneurship track that provides business training and...
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This paper sheds light on the questions how important competences are and which competences can best be learned at school and which competences can be acquired better in the workplace. Exploiting data from a survey among professional tertiary education and training business administration...
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Die zentrale Antwort auf die demografische Herausforderung in Deutschland ist das lebenslange Lernen. Mit Blick auf den beruflichen Erfolg sind dabei nicht nur die hard skills, sondern auch die soft skills von Bedeutung. Kompetenzen wurden durch die OECD-Kompetenztests PISA und PIAAC zwar in den...
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Employers around the world complain that youth lack the soft skills needed for success in the workplace. In response, a number of employment programs have begun to incorporate soft skills training, but to date there has been little evidence as to the effectiveness of such programs. This paper...
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"Digitalisierung", "Internationalisierung", "Spezialisierung" und "Flexibilisierung" sind nur einige Schlagwörter, die die Arbeitswelt von heute prägen. Sie durchdringen zunehmend alle betrieblichen Leistungsprozesse und verändern die Anforderungen an die MitarbeiterInnen aller...
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A randomized control trial with 945 entrepreneurs in Jamaica shows positive shortterm impacts of soft-skills training on business outcomes. The effects are concentrated among men, and disappear twelve months after the training. We argue that the main channel is increased adoption of recommended...
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From 2020 Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education will be compulsory in UK schools for adolescents, however less is known about how it can be taught in a an effective manner. We examine, through a randomised trial, the impact of an evidenced based health related quality of life (HRQoL)...
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This paper analyzes whether and how attending an internship during tertiary education affects income. We address endogeneity with an IV approach that exploits information regarding whether the internship was a mandatory component of the study. We further address selection into programs with...
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Finding a job is easier for people who are better equipped with soft skills, as they are more productive. Therefore, this article deals with the evaluation of soft skills of graduates from Czech public universities. The results show that the same soft skills are required from university...
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This paper provides both a theoretical and an empirical investigation into the impact of job skill types on the black/white pay differentials. The theoretical analysis derives that the more intensively soft/hard skills are used in an occupation, the greater/smaller the black/white pay...
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