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This paper synthesizes the major empirical findings of the burgeoning tax avoidance research in China from the accounting, finance, and economics literature over the last 13years. It surveys the evidence in four main areas: (1) the mechanisms through which Chinese firms avoid income taxes; (2)...
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We evaluate the impact of firm-specific export subsidies on exports in Colombia. Using a two-stage Heckman selection procedure, we obtain firm-specific predicted subsidy amounts that can be explained by the characteristics that determine the firms' eligibility for the government support and its...
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Previous studies on electoral competition show that fiscal variables are manipulated by incumbent politicians in order to be re-elected. This phenomenon has been addressed by the literature on electoral budget cycle and, in a decentralised economy, by the literature on yardstick competition. Our...
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This paper analyses the causal linkages between regional labour market variables and internal migration flows among German states between 1991-2006. We adopt a Panel VAR approach to identify the feedback effects among the variables and analyse the dynamic properties of the system through...
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This paper explores if more generous social spending polices in fact lead to less income inequality, or if redistributive outcomes are offset by behavioral disincentive effects. To account for the inherent endogeneity of social policies with regard to inequality levels, I apply the System GMM...
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This study makes an effort to determine how international financial reporting standards (IFRS) adoption levels affect net FDI inflows to sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries using a panel data spans from 2005 to 2020. The results of the two-step system's generalized methods of moments (GMM)...
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The research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) has taken on particular importance in the current banking literature. This literature focused on the direct effect of CSR on bank performance. However, this study fills this gap by examining the relationship between CSR and Islamic bank...
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This study investigates the determinants of bank profitability in 23 countries from 2002 to 2016 using the system generalized method of moments. The findings indicate that the number of bank cards issued, the number of automated teller machines (ATMs) and the number of point of sale (POS)...
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This study aims to examine the effects of monetary policies implemented by developed countries and central bank independence of developing countries on the financial fragility of developing countries. According to the findings, it was seen that the contractionary monetary policies implemented by...
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Foreign aid is an important means of finance for governments of developing countries. The current study investigates whether too much inflow of aid to developing countries is beneficial or harmful to their economy and whether institutional quality and economic freedom matters in aid-growth...
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