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Die Umweltökonomischen Gesamtrechnungen sind ein methodischer Rahmen, um die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Umwelt und Gesellschaft abzubilden. Daten zu Material- und Energieflüssen, Naturkapital und Umweltschutz werden in einem kohärenten Kontensystem aufbereitet, das die Betrachtung einzelner...
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The tourism boom that started in 2011 shortly after the Eyjafjallajökull eruption has changed Iceland in many ways. Economically tourism has quickly become the country's main export sector. Livelihoods and communities have changed with the influx of foreign tourists and workers. Tourism has...
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In this paper we investigate the reasons why integrated conservation and development projects (ICDPs) fail to achieve their conservation goals. We develop a bio-economic model of open access land and wildlife exploitation, which is consistent with many farming and hunting societies living in...
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Biosphärenreservate bieten einen Rahmen für Prozesse zur nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung. Durch das Beispiel des Biosphärenreservats Jeju Island sowie einen internationalen Vergleich werden Hinweise für eine erfolgversprechende Ausgestaltung aufgezeigt. Nach einem Überblick zum Vorgehen...
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In an integrated economy-ecosystem model humans choose their land use and leave the residual land as habitat for three species forming a food chain. The size of habitat determines the diversity and abundance of species. That biodiversity generates, in turn, a flow of ecosystem services with...
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The paper combines an economic-geography model of agglomeration and periphery with a model of species diversity and looks at optimal policies of biodiversity conservation. The subject of the paper is natural biodiversity, which is inevitably impaired by anthropogenic impact. Thus, the economic...
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In an integrated economy-ecosystem model humans choose their land use and leave the residual land as habitat for three species forming a food chain. The size of habitat determines the diversity and abundance of species. That biodiversity generates, in turn, a flow of ecosystem services with...
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This analysis provides an example of how biodiversity can be measured by means of different indicators, and how the latter can be used to assess the influence of the biodiversity profile of a region on the tourism flows towards it. Previous studies have considered environmental amenities as one...
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Die Motorisierung der Weltbevölkerung und das Verkehrsaufkommen werden zukünftig weiter zunehmen. Die zentralen Triebkräfte hinter diesen Entwicklungen werden das immense Bevölkerungswachstum und die rasant steigenden Einkommen in zahlreichen Regionen der Welt sein. Eine sehr dynamische...
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