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Fiktion notwendig ist, aber eine Fiktion bleibt. Aber was heisst es für die (ökonomische) Theorie der Zukunftsentscheidungen …
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with a finite decision. This paper suggests that this agonistic approach needs de-cisions or simply put, temporary … decisions drawn from seeing a decision as a solution for now. A de-cision is not a no-decision, but a decision recognised as … planning process from being a matter of reaching a finite decision to a strife about how to understand the present and which …
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Die Einbürgerung von Asylbewerbern wird als ökonomische Problemstellung modelliert. In ihre Entscheidung wie viel sie …
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We propose a method to test a prediction of the distribution of a stochastic process. In a non-Bayesian non-parametric setting, a predicted distribution is tested using a realization of the stochastic process. A test associates a set of realizations for each predicted distribution, on which the...
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The aim of the paper is to study empirically the influence of higher moments of the return distribution on conditional value at risk (CVaR). To be more exact, we attempt to reveal the extent to which the risk given by CVaR can be estimated when relying on the mean, standard deviation, skewness...
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First and higher order digits in data sets of natural and socio-economic processes often follow a distribution called Benford's law. This phenomenon has been used in many business and scientific applications, especially in fraud detection for financial data. In this paper, we analyse whether...
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When calculating the cost of entering into a credit transaction the predominant stochastic component is the expected loss. Often in the credit business the one-year probability of default of the liable counterpart is the only reliable parameter. We use this probability to calculating the exact...
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A large market economy has a huge number of degrees of freedom with weak microlevel coordination. The 'implicit microfoundations' approach assumes this property of micro-level interactions more strongly conditions macro-level outcomes compared to the precise details of individual choice...
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A large market economy has a huge number of degrees of freedom with weak microlevel coordination. The 'implicit microfoundations' approach considers this property of micro-level interactions to more strongly determine macro-level outcomes compared to the precise details of individual choice...
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