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Bayesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models combine microeconomic behavioural foundations with a full-system Bayesian likelihood estimation approach using key macro-economic variables. Because of the usefulness of this class ofmodels for addressing questions regarding the...
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the environmental degradation as measured by CO2 emissions. We utilize the cointegration test, the fully modified OLS, and … eight Asian countries during the period 1991-2013. We find that the cointegration tests confirm long run relationship among …
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In this paper, we empirically investigate the causal nexus between economic growth (GDP), CO2 emissions (environmental degradation), financial development, and trade openness using the ordinary least squares technique for a yearly panel data of 40 European economies, during the period of study...
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This paper shows that bank competition has an intrinsically ambiguous effect on capital accumulation and economic growth. We further demonstrate that banking market structure can be responsible for the emergence of development traps in economies that would otherwise be characterized by unique...
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There is growing evidence that the impact of financial development on economic growth might be non-linear and hump-shaped, exhibiting a turning point. However, such findings are typically established using total finances (mostly: credit), and the apparent non-linear impact of totals can stem...
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Paper reviews India's growth performance since independence. Phrases suchas "Hindu Rate of Growth," sometimes make a …
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expansion of tourism. Cointegration techniques and the multivariate Granger causality test are applied. Results reveal that …
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particular? Based on a cointegration analysis applied to stock market movements, I detect for the period after the EU enlargement …
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between the capitalization of the banking sector and bank loans using panel cointegration models. We study the evolution of …
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between the capitalization of the banking sector and bank loans using panel cointegration models. We study the evolution of …
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