Showing 1 - 10 of 222
Gegenstand dieses Artikels ist die Vorstellung und Evaluierung zweier Methoden zur Geschäftsprozessmodellierung. Im Einzelnen handelt es sich um sogenannte 'erweiterte ereignisgesteuerte Prozessketten (eEPKs)' einerseits und die 'Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)' andererseits. Im Fokus...
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The question of whether firms gain competitiveness through local networks and clusters becomes more relevant than ever as globalization proceeds. This is particularly true for traditional and craft-based clusters, districts and business networks. A central question emerging for these types of...
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Public policy and cluster management face a common challenge in developing sustainable clusters. Many clusters report difficulties acquiring membership fees once the governmental subsidies come to an end, which brings doubts as to the cluster management's capabilities and likewise to the public...
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Keskustelualoitteessa esitellään Suomen metsäteollisuuden ja bioteollisuuden panos-tuotosrakenteita, metsäteollisuuden kansainvälistä kustannuskilpailukykyä ja mahdollisuuksia arvonluontiin soveltamalla bioteknisiä innovaatioita tuotantoprosesseissa. Yleisesti ottaen metsäteollisuus...
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Strategic human resource management has been linked to competitive advantage and in turn to organizational performance. This linkage has been viewed from a universal, a contextual or a configurational perspective. Adopting the latter perspective, the authors of the present study investigate the...
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According to the Resource Based View of strategic management, analyzing the human resource of a specific firm in terms of its potential to serve as a source of a sustainable competitive advantage requires an examination of - among others - the resource value. The question of how to parameterize...
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While it is widely agreed that current enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems cannot evolve much further, it is the question how future enterprise systems will look like. To approach an answer to this question, this report provides at first an analysis of essential high level requirements...
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The systems have revolutionized practically all aspects of business processes in enterprises. They improve the processes by ensuring their integration. Data are entered into an ERP system only once and immediately afterwards they can be accessed through any of its modules, which makes them a...
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Ausgehend von der Problemstellung fehlender empirischer Daten zum Einsatz und Nutzen von ERP-Systemen im CREM unternimmt die vorliegende Studie den Versuch, auf Basis einer Befragung deutscher und österreichischer Unternehmen aus dem Jahr 2010 erste Ergebnisse zu diesem Themenkomplex zu...
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In a new type of automated parts-to-picker warehouse system - a Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System (RMFS) - robots are sent to transport pods (movable shelves) to human operators at stations to pick/put items from/to pods. There are many operational decision problems in such a system, and some of...
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