Showing 1 - 10 of 177
The strategy literature has found it difficult to differentiate between collusive and efficiencybased synergies in horizontal merger activity. We propose a theoretically-backed methodological approach to classify mergers that yields more information on merger types and merger effects, and that...
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Are product market and entry regulation key sources of low employment growth in many European countries? We investigate this question in the context of the French retail trade industry. Since 1974, approval by regional zoning boards has been required for the creation or extension of any large...
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Die Aufgabe der kommunalen Wasserversorgungsunternehmen besteht darin, die Verbraucher mit qualitativ hochwertigem Trinkwasser in ausreichender Menge zu versorgen. Auf der anderen Seite müssen die kommunalen Abwasserentsorgungsbetriebe das von den Grundstückseigentümern erzeugte Abwasser...
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Nicht zuletzt durch eine Reihe spektakulärer Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse ist die Frage nach den Ursachen, den Folgen und den Möglichkeiten bzw. Notwendigkeiten staatlicher Eingriffe im Rahmen der Wettbewerbspolitik erneut in das Zentrum der wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussion geraten....
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Ein grundlegendes Ergebnis der Auktionstheorie besagt, dass der Preisverlauf einer sequentiellen Auktion unter üblichen IPV-Annahmen konstant ist und unter Zugrundelegung affiliierter Bewertungen sogar ansteigt. Empirische Arbeiten beobachteten jedoch in der Praxis auf unterschiedlichsten...
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This paper establishes sufficient conditions for the existence of a stable coalition structure in the "coalition unanimity" game of coalition formation, first defined by Hart and Kurz (1983) and more recently studied by Yi (1997, 2000). Our conditions are defined on the strategic form game used...
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In this paper, we investigate how bank mergers affect bank revenues and present empirical evidence that mergers among banks have a substantial and persistent negative impact on merging banks' revenues. We refer to merger related negative effects on banks' revenues as dissynergies and suggest...
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We consider takeover bidding in a Cournot oligopoly when firms have private information concerning the synergy effect … first-price auction, regardless of whether firms observe the synergy parameter or only the winning bid before they play the …
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Improved integration of cycling and transit has the potential to overcome the fundamental limitations of each mode by combining their opposite strengths of flexibility and action radius. The benefits of such integration potentially extend beyond user benefits and the trip level. We present seven...
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