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slightly different distributions. The method encompasses the Iterated Batch Importance Sampling (IBIS) algorithm and more …
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This paper describes a semiparametric Bayesian method for analyzing duration data. The proposed estimator specifies a complete functional form for duration spells, but allows flexibility by introducing an individual heterogeneity term, which follows a Dirichlet mixture distribution. I show how...
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A general model is proposed for flexibly estimating the density of a continuous response variable conditional on a possibly high-dimensional set of covariates. The model is a finite mixture of asymmetric student-t densities with covariate dependent mixture weights. The four parameters of the...
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Smooth mixtures, i.e. mixture models with covariate-dependent mixing weights, are very useful flexible models for conditional densities. Previous work shows that using too simple mixture components for modeling heteroscedastic and/or heavy tailed data can give a poor fit, even with a large...
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-rejection sampling step within DMC. This Acceptance-Rejection within Direct Monte Carlo (ARDMC) method has the attractive property that …-known 'Metropolis-Hastings within Gibbs' sampling in the sense that one 'more difficult' step is used within an 'easier' simulation …
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approximation can be used as a candidate density in Importance Sampling or Metropolis Hastings methods for Bayesian inference on …
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Operationelle Risiken stellen für Banken nach dem Kreditrisiko die zweitwichtigste Risikokategorie dar. Ein effektives Risikomanagement der operationellen Risiken dürfte in Zukunft ein entscheidender Wettbewerbsfaktor sein. Im Rahmen der Neuregelung der bankaufsichtsrechtlichen Vorgaben...
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Extreme Value Theory are considered. One of the methods used for operational risk management is a scenario analysis. Under …
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described in the literature: the loss distribution approach and the extreme value theory (EVT). Within the EVT analysis, two …
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