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This paper assesses the importance for structural transformation of three features of sectoral technology: labor-augmenting technological progress, capital intensity, and substitutability between capital and labor. We estimate CES production functions for agriculture, manufacturing, and services...
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Estimating farmers' supply responses to changes in framework conditions is important to in-form decision-makers on the expected impacts on production volume as well as the resulting land-use shifts. Existing agricultural supply response models generally require either larger databases with...
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In der vorliegenden Studie erfolgt eine regional differenzierte Analyse der Milchproduktion. Grundlage sind neben zahlreichen agrarstatistischen Quellen auch Expertenpanels in ausgewählten Regionen. Es werden Schlussfolgerungen über die künftige Standortorientierung der Milchproduktion...
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This paper is concerned with the estimation of euro area potential output growth and its decomposition according to the sources of growth. The growth accounting exercise is based on a multivariate structural time series model which combines the decomposition of total output according to the...
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We provide characterizations of preferences representable by a Cobb-Douglas utility function.
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Parametric aggregation of heterogeneous micro production technologies is discussed. A four-factor Cobb-Douglas function with normally distributed firm specific coefficients and with log-normal inputs (which agrees well with the available data) is speciffied. Since, if the number of micro units...
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We show that concealing cost information is a dominant strategy in heterogeneous Bertrand oligopolies. This result enables us to endogenize the number of firms in a market in terms of market size, entry costs, and unit cost uncertainty.
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A quality-adjusted specification of labor is suggested which allows firm training to affect labor efficiency. To assess the cost and productivity effects, this specification is integrated into a flexible neoclassical cost function. The empirical analysis uses panel data for eight plants in the...
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In a two-stage R&D game of process innovation, we investigate the effect of exogenously changing R&D spillovers and market concentration on the equilibrium level of effective cost reduction, total output, profits and social welfare. Interpreting spillover as a measure of patent protection, we...
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We evaluate the determinants of matching efficiency changes through a stochastic Cobb- Douglas production frontier model extended to allow the efficiency coefficient to depend on variables meant to capture workers and firms characteristics. We apply this methodology to examine regional...
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