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Immer mehr junge Menschen in Deutschland erwerben eine Studienberechtigung. Aber bei weitem nicht alle Jugendlichen mit … ein Studium zu als Schüler/innen aus akademischen Elternhäusern. In dieser Studie untersuchen wir aufbauend auf … studienspezifischen Selbstwirksamkeit, einem Maß des Vertrauens in die eigene Fähigkeit, ein Studium erfolgreich zu meistern. Unsere …
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Ausgangspunkt des Buches ist das für Deutschland konstatierte Problem geringer Studierendenquoten bei gleichzeitig … ausgeprägter sozialer Ungleichheit im Studium. Das Buch untersucht dabei individuelle und institutionelle Hürden bei der Umsetzung … von Studienaspirationen und fragt, ob es selbst auf diesem "kurzen Stück" ins Studium soziale Herkunftsunterschiede gibt …
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Over the last decade, many countries have experienced dramatic increases in university enrolment, which, when not matched by compensating increases in other inputs, have resulted in larger class sizes. Using administrative records from a leading UK university, we present evidence on the effects...
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In this paper we evaluate the changes in the times-to-degree at the Finnish universities in the 1990s. In particular, we evaluate the effect of the 1992 student aid reform that was intended to shorten the duration of university studies. We find that the student aid reform had only a modest...
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Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is an important tool in data analyses, particularly in social science. Usually four steps are carried out which contain an large number of options. One important option is the number of factors and the association of variables with a factor. Our tools aim to...
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School education in Germany is under the responsibility of the federal states and as a consequence average grades …
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We estimate the elasticity of enrollment into higher education with respect to the amount of means tested student aid (BAfoeG) provided by the federal government using the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP). Potential student aid is derived on the basis of a detailed taxbenefit microsimulation...
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This paper investigates the gender wage gap among German university graduates in their first job and five to six years into their careers. We find that women earn about 30% less than men at their first job and about 35% less after five to six years. Results from standard decomposition techniques...
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We investigate the effect of studying abroad on international labor market mobility later in life for university graduates. As a source of identifying variation, we exploit the introduction and expansion of the European ERASMUS student exchange program, which significantly increases a student's...
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We analyze the role of distance from a university in the decision to attend higher education in Germany. Students who …
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