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For a Lévy process X having finite variation on compact sets and finite first moments, u (dx) = xv (dx) is a finite signed measure which completely describes the jump dynamics. We construct kernel estimators for linear functionals of u and provide rates of convergence under regularity...
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strategies for estimation. We also provide the associated asymptotic theory. These strategies are illustrated in an empirical …
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We propose a method to test a prediction of the distribution of a stochastic process. In a non-Bayesian non-parametric setting, a predicted distribution is tested using a realization of the stochastic process. A test associates a set of realizations for each predicted distribution, on which the...
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We consider the problem of estimating the fractional order of a Lévy process from low frequency historical and options data. An estimation methodology is developed which allows us to treat both estimation and calibration problems in a unified way. The corresponding procedure consists of two...
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This paper extends the widely used ordered choice model by introducing stochastic thresholds and interval-specific outcomes. The model can be interpreted as a generalization of the GAFT (MPH) framework for discrete duration data that jointly models durations and outcomes associated with...
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corresponding bifurcation theory is illustrated with some simple examples. …
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When analysing the volatility related to high frequency financial data, mostly non-parametric approaches based on realised or bipower variation are applied. This article instead starts from a continuous time diffusion model and derives a parametric analog at high frequency for it, allowing...
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This paper make straightforward extensions to Anderson's (1996) nonparametric statistical tests of stochastic dominance criteria to bivariate distributions. These test are applied to a time series of cross-section datasets on household level total expenditure and non labour market time in the UK.
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Recently, Shimotsu and Phillips (2005) developed a new semiparametric estimator, the exact local Whittle (ELW) estimator, of the memory parameter (d) in fractionally integrated processes. The ELW estimator has been shown to be consistent and have the same N(0,1/4) limit distribution for all...
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We study the nonparametric calibration of exponential, self-decomposable Lévy models whose jump density can be characterized by the k-function, which is typically nonsmooth at zero. On the one hand the estimation of the drift, the activity measure a := k(0+) + k(0-) and analog parameters for...
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