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classification problem and, thus, can be solved with machine learning methods. Using simulated seasonal and non-seasonal ARIMA …
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unit circle, of I(2) components, of short-run cross-sectional correlation and of cross-unit cointegration on the …
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Slope coefficients in rank-rank regressions are popular measures of intergenerational mobility, for instance in regressions of a child's income rank on their parent's income rank. In this paper, we first point out that commonly used variance estimators such as the homoskedastic or robust...
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proposed. Results of a simulation study are presented designed to compare two measures in various situations and evaluate the …
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?multipliers?, is not applicable in standard regression or classification models. The goal of this paper is to develop a procedure … to obtain such measures of importance for classification methods and to apply them to models for the classification of …
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This paper proposes a powerful alternative to the t-test of the null hypothesis that a coefficient in linear regression is equal to zero when a regressor is mismeasured. We assume there are two contaminated measurements of the regressor of interest. We allow the two measurement errors to be...
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confirmed in a simulation study. We summarize serial correlation robust test procedures and propose a bootstrap approach. By … asymptotically valid for serially independent observations. Yet, in the presence of serial correlation they are markedly oversized as … relevance to account for serial correlation in economic time series when testing for the value of directional forecasts. …
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Ziel des vorliegenden Diskussionspapiers ist es, einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Vergleichbarkeit der Schätzgüteergebnisse von Insolvenzprognosestudien zu leisten. Hierzu werden zunächst in der Literatur verwendete kategoriale, ordinale und kardinale Schätzgütemaße vorgestellt. Es wird...
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This paper uses Monte Carlo techniques to assess the loss in terms of forecast accuracy which is incurred when the true DGP exhibits parameter instability which is either overlooked or incorrectly modelled. We find that the loss is considerable when a FCM is estimated instead of the true TVCM,...
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the performance of simulation studies with the nested logit model. In simulation studies with the nested logit model using … NNNL software (e. g. PROC MDC in SAS), it must be pointed out that the simulation of the utility function's error terms … logit model are shown on the basis of a simulation study. …
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