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We develop a panel intensity model, with a time varying latent factor, which captures the influence of unobserved time … & Hautsch (2006) to panel duration data. We show how to estimate the model parameters by a simulated maximum likelihood … behavioral biases and discuss implications for portfolio theory. …
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We propose a unified framework for estimating integrated variances and covariances based on simple OLS regressions allowing for a general market microstructure noise specification. We show that our estimators can outperform in terms of the root mean squared error criterion the most recent and...
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In this paper we replace the Gaussian errors in the standard Gaussian, linear state space model with stochastic volatility processes. This is called a GSSF-SV model. We show that conventional MCMC algorithms for this type of model are ineffective, but that this problem can be removed by...
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This paper studies the effects and the transmission mechanism of unexpected monetary policy shocks in an open economy setting within the context of a VAR frame- work. It considers an economy with two sectors, a tradable sector and a non-tradable sector. For a given country, economic sectors are...
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unobserved common factors using panel data from 1973 until 2007 for 19 OECD countries. Applying a principal component analysis we … von 1973 bis 2007 für 19 OECD-Länder. Im ersten Schritt wird durch die Anwendung einer Faktorenanalyse zwischen …
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system and the current managed float. Panel integration techniques are used to increase the power of the tests. Cross section …
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This paper documents the existence of large structural breaks in the unconditional correlations among the British pound, Norwegian krone, Swedish krona, Swiss franc, and euro exchange rates (against the US dollar) during the period 1994-2003. Using the framework of dynamic conditional...
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This paper analyzes the factors underlying the weakness of the euro. For this purpose, the framework advocated by Clarida and Gali (1994) is used. Within this model, three structural shocks drive the dynamics of the endogenous variables: aggregate supply shocks, aggregate spending shocks, and...
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the empirical specification. Another major difference between the models with the opposite implication for the shock … creation versus shock absorption debate is that non-fundamental exchange rate shocks have much larger effects on output and …
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This paper investigates the relationship between the euro-dollar exchange rate and its underlying fundamentals. First, we develop a simple theoretical model in which chartists and fundamentalists interact. This model predicts the existence of different regimes, and thus nonlinearities in the...
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