Showing 1 - 10 of 109
Europe has been discussing how to deal with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East, Africa and other parts of the world for months now. However, one frequently overlooked aspect is the fact that just a small percentage of the world's approximately 60 million...
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Seit Monaten diskutiert Europa, wie man mit der Ankunft von Hunderttausenden von Flüchtlingen aus dem Nahen Osten, Afrika und anderen Teilen der Welt umgehen soll. Dabei wird oft übersehen, dass nur ein kleiner Teil der weltweit etwa 60 Millionen Flüchtlinge nach Europa kommt – so belief...
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The social contract is a key concept in social science literature focusing on state-society relations. It refers to the "entirety of explicit or implicit agreements between all relevant societal groups and the sovereign (i.e. the government or any other actor in power), defining their rights and...
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Der Gesellschaftsvertrag ist ein Schlüsselbegriff in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Literatur, der auf die Beziehungen zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft fokussiert. Er bezeichnet die Gesamtheit expliziter oder impliziter Vereinbarungen zwischen allen relevanten gesellschaftlichen Gruppen und dem...
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Le contrat social est un concept clé des sciences sociales portant sur les relations entre l'État et la société. Il renvoie à l'en-semble des accords explicites ou implicites intervenant entre tous les groupes sociaux concernés et le souverain (c.-à-d. le gouvernement ou tout autre acteur...
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This study analyses how strengths and weaknesses of economic, societal, political and environmental structures played out during the Covid-19 crisis in Africa since March 2020. Its main aim is to improve evidence on the direct and indirect effects of the pandemic on African countries and, based...
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Democracy’s march to presumed global victory has ground to a halt. Democracy promotion, a boom industry in the 1990s, has come under criticism. While there are still good reasons to promote democracy abroad, there must be some rethinking if new successes are to be achieved: moving away from...
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Der vermeintliche Siegeszug der Demokratie ist gestoppt. Demokratieförderung – in den 1990er Jahren die Boom-„Industrie“ der internationalen Zusammenarbeit – steht in der Kritik. Doch gute Gründe, Demokratie zu fördern, gibt es nach wie vor. Neue Erfolge aber erfordern ein Umdenken:...
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Social cohesion' and the 'social contract' are two related analytical concepts, which have become increasingly popular among researchers and practitioners. Both concepts help to understand and characterise societies and countries by shedding light on the relationships between members and groups...
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Climate change and land degradation have considerably altered the conditions for rain-fed agriculture in Northern Ghana. Furthermore, population pressure has led to continuous farming of available agricultural lands and thus caused land degradation. Crop failure and decreasing yields that result...
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