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The question of non-financial and risk disclosures in corporate annual statements has been discussed globally for over … risk in a CSR or integrated reports, and whether it is possible to assess going-concern risks based on the reports. The … author analysed the content of selected CSR and integrated reports to describe the scope and structure of going-concern risk …
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The article introduces the theoretical foundations of the author's original concept of accounting engineering. We … assume a theoretical premise whereby accounting engineering is understood as a system of accounting practice utilising … differences in economic events resultant from the use of divergent accounting methods. Unlike, for instance, creative or …
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This essay provides a survey of the evolution and the developments of bookkeeping, internal cost accounting and … present times. It is shown that the developments in bookkeeping and cost accounting have regularly been a reaction to … accounting, which chronologically enumerate different techniques and practices, this text additionally delivers an outline of …
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between accounting conservatism, generated in created critical accounting policy choices, and management abilities in … estimates and prediction power of domicile private sector accounting. Primary research is conducted based on firms' financial … statements, constructing CAPCBIH (Critical Accounting Policy Choices relevant in B&H) variable that presents particular internal …
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The risk of investment in schooling has largely been ignored. We assess the variance in the rate of return by surveying … positively skewed. Our best guess of ex ante risk in university education is a coefficient of variation of about 0.3, comparable …
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We introduce a new method of varying the risk that bidders face in first-price private value auctions. We find that … decreasing bidders' risk significantly reduces the degree of overbidding relative to the risk-neutral Bayesian-Nash equilibrium … prediction. This implies that risk affects bidding behavior as generally expected in auction theory. While resolving a long …
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exogenous risk and delegation. That is, we show that only if exogenous risk is sufficiently large, the risk-neutral principal … may prefer to delegate authority over decisions to the risk-averse agent. Intuitively, for incentive reasons, the … principal may optimally want to allow the agent to reduce his risk exposure. Nevertheless, even endogenous risk may be higher …
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in the type of degree studied can explain an additional 8.4% of the male-female pay gap. Risk-augmented earnings …
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Modeling the price risk of CO2 certificates is one important aspect of integral corporate risk management related to … emissions trading. The paper presents a risk model which may be the basis for evaluating the risk of emission certificate prices …
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to meet their financial obligations. It is based on classical financial-statement approach, a direct inclusion of risk …
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