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. Following this sentence, a state monopoly in future has to maximize players’ protection and prevention of pathological gambling …
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the treatment of gambling winnings and losses in the federal tax code and shows how the system may incentivize some … fact that gambling losses can only be deducted if taxpayers are filing for itemized deductions, meaning the scale of … gambling losses has to be large enough to push a taxpayer's eligible deductions over the standard deduction. This incentive to …
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Research on sports betting markets has generally found a favorite-longshot bias, the empirical pattern for loss rates for bets on longshots to be higher than for favorites, which implies the odds do not reflect the underlying probabilities. The existing literature focuses largely on pari-mutuel...
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The extent of market efficiency induced by rational behaviour of market participants is central for economic research. Many economists have already examined sports-betting markets as a laboratory to better understand trading behaviour and efficiency of stock prices while avoiding to jointly test...
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We explore the relationship between gambling and other forms of risk-taking behaviour, i.e. exposure to debt and the … Expenditure and Food Surveys (EFS), 2001 to 2007. Gambling and the use of credit are shown to be positively correlated at the … household level. While both the incidence and amount of gambling vary according to household income, the positive association …
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who choose to gamble are likely to be larger than for the general population. Using UK data on gambling wins, other … those likely to be credit-onstrained. This is consistent with credit-constrained, risk-averse agents gambling to convexify …
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Wir entwickeln ein Modell für strategisches Spielverhalten bei Glücksspielen nach dem Totalisatorprinzip und wenden es auf die Fußballwettspiele Toto und Torwette an. Unter der Annahme, dass Buchmacherquoten die wahren Ausgangswahrscheinlichkeiten der betreffenden Fußballspiele reflektieren,...
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. Japan has a longer history and more experience in both monetization of mobile games with gambling like elements (Gacha) and …
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of the natural experiment. Our results are robust to a number of specifications and sub-samples of our general sample …
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This paper develops and estimates a model of college basketball teams' search for scoring opportunities, to provide a benchmark of the winning margin distributions that should arise if teams' only goal is to win. I estimate the model's structural parameters using first-half play-by-play data...
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