Showing 1 - 10 of 557
We develop a macroeconomic framework in which firms are large and have market power with respect to both products and labor. Each firm maximizes a share-weighted average of shareholder utilities, which makes the equilibrium independent of price normalization. In a one-sector economy, if returns...
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of the market power parameter imply that there was no exercise of oligopsony power. The market power parameter obtained …
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different market structures (monopoly, oligopoly with competitive fringe, oligopoly (Cournot) and perfect competition) on the …
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This paper develops a theory of oligopoly and markups in general equilibrium. Firms compete in a network of product … excess of 10 US$ trillions (against $3 trillions of profits). Oligopoly lowers total surplus by 11.5% and depresses consumer …
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The profit-maximizing and oligopoly bank model developed by Bresnahan and Lau allows determining the degree of market … competition but which is partially used in the case of oligopoly or monopolistic competition, and it is fully used in the case of …
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Water markets with market power are analysed as multi-market Cournot competition in which the river structure constrains access to local markets and limited resources impose capacity constraints. Conditions for uniqueness are identified. Lerner indices are larger under binding resource...
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output milk-processing market. However, the abuse of oligopoly market power is not large on average, despite the fact that we … (about 10 %) with considerably high oligopoly market power. …
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This paper analyses whether prices and trade-flows in the international market for metallurgical coals were subject to non-competitive conduct in the period 2008 to 2010. To do so, I develop mathematical programming models – a Stackelberg model, two varieties of a Cournot model, and a perfect...
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This article proposes a two-stage oligopoly model for the crude oil market. In a game of several Stackelberg leaders …
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In oligopsonistic labour markets, firms have some market power, and a wedge is created between wages and marginal product. When oligopsonistic firms' production technology requires generally trained workers, firms may therefore receive part of the returns to general training and be willing to...
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