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To measure contagion empirically, we propose using a Bayesian time-varying coefficient model estimated with Markov ChainMonte Carlo methods. The proposed measure works in the joint presence of heteroskedasticity and omitted variables and does not require knowledge of the timing of the crisis. It...
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This paper uses the co-incidence of extreme shocks to banksu0092 risk to examine within country and across country contagion among large EU banks. Banksu0092 risk is measured by the first difference of weekly distances to default and abnormal returns. Using Monte Carlo simulations, the paper...
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. Robustly to alternative definitions of the relative price, identification schemes dictated by two-sided (S,s) pricing theory …
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general equilibrium model that integrates a theory of equilibrium unemployment into a monetary model with nominal price … worker, job creation and job destruction conditional on a shock to monetary policy. Moreover, allowing for variation of the … helps to explain the sluggishness of inflation and the persistence of output after a monetary policy shock. The ability of …
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including a global liquidity aggregate. The impulse responses obtained show that a positive shock to extra-euro area liquidity …
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We use a Vector Auto Regression (VAR) analysis to explore the (spill-over) effects of fiscal policy shocks in Europe. To enhance comparability with the existing literature, we first analyse the effects of these shocks at the national level. Here, we employ identification based on Choleski...
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Four years after the introduction of the euro, this paper provides an overview of the current structure and integration of the euro area financial systems and related policy initiatives. We first compare the euro area financial structure with that of the United States and Japan. Using new and...
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The Czech financial sector has changed dramatically since transition. In fifteen years, it has developed from a state-owned mono-bank into a privatised bank-based financial system with developing capital and private equity markets. This country focus analyses the development of the financial...
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