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In the present paper an analysis of the neo-classical optimization model with linear constraints is proposed. By introducing the dual problem it is shown that the solution to the maximization problem is also a solution to the minimization problem. The purely theoretical model proposes a...
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We investigate the impact of agent communication networks on prices in an artificial stock market. Networks with different centralization measures are tested for their effect on the volatility of prices. Trading strategies diffuse through the different network topologies, mimetic contagion...
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It is systemic to expound how that the speculative behaviors are driven by the number of a series housing policies promulgated by China's government for the real estate market. The market is resulted in full of speculative behaviors, and has been booming since the beginning of this decade, even...
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We analyze expectations of the Dutch population ages 25 and older concerning future generosity of state and … until 2012 on individuals’ subjective expectations concerning changes between now and ten or twenty years from now in the … security benefits, and the average retirement age ten or twenty years from now. We find significant variation in expectations …
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over more frugal alternatives. -- game theory ; experiments ; maximization ; alternative traveler’s dilemma ; goals …
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We report the result of experiments designed to assess the effect of initial endowments on willingness to pay values …
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