Showing 1 - 10 of 55
Zwischen 2000 und 2009 ist China zur zweitgrößten Industrienation aufgestiegen und auch die Industrien anderer Schwellenländer sowie vieler osteuropäischer Länder sind sehr dynamisch gewachsen. Dennoch konnte Deutschland seinen Anteil an der globalen Industrieproduktion weitgehend...
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The study explores the relationship between monetary policy and private sectorinvestment in Kenya by tracing the effects of monetary policy through the transmission mechanism to explain how investment responded to changes in monetary. Several studies have offered a means to understand the manner...
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Like many developing countries, Togo is facing a deficit of financial resources that leads to a dependence on international financial institutions. A better mobilization of internal resources could allow this country to reduce its deficit of resources and better control its process of economic...
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This study examines the time series behavior of investment in physical capital, human capital (comprising education and health) and output in a co-integration framework, taking growth of primary gross enrolment rate and a dummy for structural adjustment programme (openness which has been...
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In this era of open economy, nations are concerned with increasing the quality of life of their citizens. And, the quality of life mainly comes from the macro-economic prosperity. Thus, fast growth of gross domestic Product has become the most important objective of any economy. There are...
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We develop an endogenous growth model with three goods, exportable, importable and non-tradable. We study the response of the real exchange rate and of the economy growth rate to a decrease in the tariff rate. We show that trade liberalization must be followed by a depreciation of the real...
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Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika - die sogenannten BRICS - weisen im internationalen Vergleich hohe gesamtwirtschaftliche Zuwachsraten auf. Auch während der jüngsten Wirtschaftskrise verzeichneten die meisten BRICS-Staaten noch ein überdurchschnittliches Wachstum. Der...
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Deutschland hat sich von dem scharfen Einbruch infolge der globalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise schneller erholt als die meisten anderen entwickelten Länder. Die Schwäche der Nachfrage aus dem Euroraum wurde kompensiert durch ein starkes Wachstum der Exporte in die Länder außerhalb der...
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The paper aims at analyzing the impact of the recent economic crisis on the real convergence with the Euro area for ten countries from Central and Eastern Europe that joined the European Union in 2004 and 2007. We use 2000, 2008 and 2010 as benchmark years for our study and GDP per capita at...
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This paper examines specifically the impact of legal-based financial structure on long-run economic growth in Nigeria, using time serial data for 17 year period: 1992 - 2008. Time series general method of movement (GMM) regression was used to estimate the necessary models. The growth rate of...
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