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This paper documents the effect of immigrant concentration on natives’ work schedules. I show that immigrants are more likely to work at non‐standard hours (i.e. evenings, nights and Sundays) and that a higher proportion of immigrants in the local labor market is associated with a lower...
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We study the determinants of the willingness to acquire citizenship of Latvia by ‘non-citizens’ – the former Soviet migrants and their descendants born on the territory of Latvia. The country of Latvia serves as an instructive laboratory for the analysis of naturalisations: due to the...
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Activity and employment rates for immigrant women in many industrialised countries display a great variability across national groups. The aim of this paper is to assess whether this fact is due to a voluntary decision (i.e. large reservation wages by immigrants) or to an involuntary process...
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We compare the earnings and the intergenerational earnings mobility of immigrants with natives in Sweden. We find an overall convergence in average earnings between immigrants and natives across generations. This convergence hides a divergence in average earnings between groups of immigrants...
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What are the migration policy lessons that can be learned from the Spanish case? Unlike countries with a large tradition of receiving immigrants, in Spain having a high-school degree does not give immigrants an advantage in terms wage or occupational assimilation (relative to their native...
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Die Preise von Eigentumswohnungen und die Wohnungsmieten sind in den vergangenen Jahren in den meisten deutschen Großstädten deutlich gestiegen. Diese Entwicklung wird sich 2013 fortsetzen. Berlin, Hamburg, München und Frankfurt am Main liegen bei den Preis- und Mietsteigerungen weiterhin an...
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Die demographisch bedingte Zunahme alter und sehr alter Personen, verbunden mit der deutlichen Verringerung der Personen im erwerbsfähigen Alter, stellt für den Bereich der Pflege eine große Herausforderung dar. Ein Großteil der Pflegebedürftigen wird zwar heute durch Familienangehörige zu...
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Zwischen 2001 und 2011 hat sich die Zahl der Erwerbstätigen im Rentenalter in Deutschland auf rund 760 000 verdoppelt. In keiner anderen Altersgruppe ist die Zuwachsrate der Erwerbstätigen in dieser Zeit so deutlich gestiegen wie bei den Über-65- Jährigen. Das DIW Berlin hat die...
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The purpose of this paper is to determine in what way certain demographic and professional characteristics influence managerial risk taking. The research is conducted using the questionnaire on a sample of middle and top level managers employed in small, medium and large Croatian hospitality...
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The institutional structures of the various types of European welfare state were established around extra revenues called the "demographic dividend" that used to be easily available throughout the decades of the 20st century. They, however, ceased to be available at the end of that century. The...
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