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In the present paper an analysis of the neo-classical optimization model with linear constraints is proposed. By introducing the dual problem it is shown that the solution to the maximization problem is also a solution to the minimization problem. The purely theoretical model proposes a...
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Die Industrie in Deutschland hat bis zum dritten Quartal das Produktionsniveau des Vorjahres knapp halten können. Sie stand einer im Jahresverlauf stark rückläufigen Nachfrage aus dem Inland und dem Euroraum und einer leicht steigenden Nachfrage aus dem Nicht-Euroraum gegenüber. Für das...
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Econometric models, in the estimation of real estate prices, are a useful and realistic approach for buyers and for local and fiscal authorities. From the classical hedonic models to more data driven procedures, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), many papers have appeared in economic...
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It is systemic to expound how that the speculative behaviors are driven by the number of a series housing policies promulgated by China's government for the real estate market. The market is resulted in full of speculative behaviors, and has been booming since the beginning of this decade, even...
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This paper identifies a fundamental challenge in the development of input-output databases of the world economy intended for analysis of alternative scenarios with a model of the world economy. Primary data sources for individual economies generally do not use the same sectoral classification...
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The combinatorial nature of integer programming is inevitable even after takingspecific model structure into consideration. This is the root problem in implementing large-scale nonlinear integer programming models regardless of which algorithm one chooses to use. Consequently, we suggest that...
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This paper improves upon the existing literature surrounding the production order quantity inventory model in which unit cost and daily production are assumed to be constant. By including economies of scale into the model, we examine its impact on production order quantity and total cost. The...
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The purpose of this study is to measure the relative efficiency of banks in Jordan using DEA. Also, it investigated the determinants of such efficiency, in terms of bank size and capitalization. The duration of the measured performance of this sector is (2005-2008). The results indicate that...
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In this paper, a fuzzy multiobjective mathematical programming model for operational transport planning in a supply chain is presented. The objectives of the proposed model are the minimization of the number of used trucks and the total inventory level, by considering vehicle capacities as a...
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