Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Economic inequality and poverty have persisted in Latin America despite important changes in political and policy regimes. This paper explores the relationship between various human capital programs aimed to reduced poverty and how improvements of those in poverty in the left tail of the earning...
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Of the world’s 6.7 billion people (as of 2008), 1.3 billion lived on less than $1.25 Purchasing Power Parity dollars per person per day and another 1.7 billion lived on between $1.25 and $2.50 PPP dollars (Chen and Ravallion, 2012). The scourge of absolute economic misery among billions of the...
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The subject of interrelationship that exists between foreign direct investment (FDI) and standard of living has been an issue of both theoretical and empirical investigations. This study, thus examined the relationship between foreign direct investment and standard of living measured by per...
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There is enough evidence to be confident that individuals are able and willing to provide a meaningful answer when asked to value on a finite scale their satisfaction with their own lives, a question that psychologists have long and often posed to respondents of large questionnaires. Without...
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Can limited government be a driving force of economic development? This idea goes back to Montesquieu, and is closely related to recent research in institutional economics. Measuring limited government with the Henisz political constraints index, and economic development with income per capita,...
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In der Politik sind wie im Geschäftsleben oft riskante beziehungsweise gefährliche Entscheidungen zu treffen, bei denen die Ergebnisse nur schwer oder gar nicht prognostizierbar sind. Da Menschen in ihren Einstellungen gegenüber Risiken und Gefahren variieren, ist es vernünftig, dass in...
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Mit den Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) kann der statistische Zusammenhang zwischen der Neigung von Personen zu politischen Parteien sowie deren Einkommen und Vermögen untersucht werden. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Besserverdiener und Wohlhabende zur Union und zur FDP neigen, aber auch...
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In this article we have tried to assess the possible relationships between shuttle trade and the expletory variables and the expletory variables, export (f.o.b.), import (c.i.f.) and CPI based real effective US dollar exchange rate. We employed monthly data of Turkey covering the years from...
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One of the most important open macroeconomic issues, during the current global economic recession, concerns the sustainability of persistent budget and trade deficits as well as possible interactions between them. These deficits are most crucial due to severe debt servicing costs, faced by...
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Applying an open-economy macroeconomic model, incorporating the monetary policy reaction function and uncovering interest parity, this paper finds that the expected real exchange rate and real output exhibit an inverted J-shape relationship, suggesting that expected real depreciation increases...
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