Showing 1 - 10 of 16
In this paper we analyze the role played by Market access to explain income disparities among Japanese Prefectures for different periods of time. The results of the estimations suggest that 1) Market access plays an important role in the explanation of income disparities in Japan, 2) the effect...
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We examine the diffusion of steam technology across British counties during the eighteenth century. First, we provide new estimates for the regional variations in the timing, pace and extent of usage of steam engines. Our main data source is an updated version of the list of steam engines...
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Viele kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) können Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) nicht allein aus Eigenmitteln finanzieren. Die Fremdfinanzierung risikoreicher FuE-Projekte mit Krediten ist ihnen aber auch nur begrenzt möglich. Die Förderprogramme des Bundes, der Länder und der EU sind...
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Die Innovationspolitik des Bundes und der Länder bietet dem Mittelstand ein breites Spektrum an Programmen zur Stärkung von Forschung und Entwicklung der kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen und ist besonders auf den Wissenstransfer ausgerichtet. In den letzten Jahren wurden die Programme...
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Verdoorn's law refers to a statistical relationship between the long-run growth rate of labour productivity and the growth rate of output, usually for the manufacturing sector. Since the sixties this relationship has been examined in a large number of studies using a wide variety of data sets...
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Die Wirtschaft der Eurozone ist stark auf forschungsintensive Industrien spezialisiert. In den einzelnen Euroländern ist die Bedeutung dieser Branchen sehr unterschiedlich, besonders groß ist sie in Deutschland. Anders als in der aktuellen Diskussion zum Teil unterstellt, hat die Einführung...
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The research of this paper is about casinos in the southernmost city in the Republic of Macedonia – Gevgelija, its geographical position and their role on the development of gambling tourism. Gambling tourism as a special form of tourism, for some world famous tourist destinations is the main...
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This work analyzes the use of the train by the Galician companies when they do business transactions with northern Portuguese operators. The residual usage of this infrastructure (0.01 of all the transactions) is proved opposite the masive use of the truck; factors that explain the choice and...
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In recent decades, regional production patterns are the subject of scientific debate by researchers. However, there is a lack of previous literature review work. This gap advises us to perform a content analysis, choosing a sufficiently large temporal area, 1998 to 2008. We have selected the...
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Monthly wage series with quarterly periodicity between December 1994 and December 2004 for thirteen regions in Chile are presented in this paper. These series are based on the information recollected by the Superintendencia de Fondos de Pensiones (Pensions Fund Superintendence), but are...
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