Showing 1 - 10 of 29
In this article we have tried to assess the possible relationships between shuttle trade and the expletory variables and the expletory variables, export (f.o.b.), import (c.i.f.) and CPI based real effective US dollar exchange rate. We employed monthly data of Turkey covering the years from...
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One of the most important open macroeconomic issues, during the current global economic recession, concerns the sustainability of persistent budget and trade deficits as well as possible interactions between them. These deficits are most crucial due to severe debt servicing costs, faced by...
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Applying an open-economy macroeconomic model, incorporating the monetary policy reaction function and uncovering interest parity, this paper finds that the expected real exchange rate and real output exhibit an inverted J-shape relationship, suggesting that expected real depreciation increases...
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This paper tests the Purchasing Power Parity Theory of Exchange Rates dealing with Argentinean data for the period 1900-2006. This is equivalent to testing if the Real Exchange Rate is a stationary variable or if its components (the nominal exchange rate and the relative prices) are...
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Ein konjunkturbezogenes Transfersystem für die Mitgliedsländer des Euroraums könnte einen Beitrag dazu leisten, zyklische Ungleichgewichte zwischen den Ländern auszugleichen. Ein solches System wird hier in der konkreten Form einer europäischen Arbeitslosenversicherung vorgeschlagen. Durch...
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This paper examines the long-run and short-run impacts of exchange rate and price changes on trade flows in Nigeria using exports and imports functions. The bounds testing (ARDL) approach to cointegration is applied on a quarterly data from 1980 Q1 to 2007 Q4. The results indicate that in both...
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In this era of open economy, nations are concerned with increasing the quality of life of their citizens. And, the quality of life mainly comes from the macro-economic prosperity. Thus, fast growth of gross domestic Product has become the most important objective of any economy. There are...
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This paper presents an empirical analysis of the interactions among energy consumption, real income and energy price in Saudi Arabia using annual data from 1982 to 2007. We analyzed the dynamic interaction by applying widely used time series analysis techniques such as unit root tests, Vector...
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Despite having accumulated physical and human capital at significant rates, Latin America's growth has been generally disappointing. Successful growth episodes have been accompanied by surges in TFP, sound and stable macroeconomic policies, and fewer distortions and government interventions....
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This paper sets out a comprehensive framework to identify regional business cycles within Spain and analyses their stylised features and the degree of synchronisation both within them and between them and the Spanish economy. We show that the regional cycles are quite heterogeneous although they...
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