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We investigate the impact of agent communication networks on prices in an artificial stock market. Networks with different centralization measures are tested for their effect on the volatility of prices. Trading strategies diffuse through the different network topologies, mimetic contagion...
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Quality of asset and efficiency of bank is highly correlated. The efficiency of banking in post-liberalization period is judged not only based of its profitability but also on quality of assets it holds. Non Performing Asset (NPA) is the foremost threat for banking stability and growth. Against...
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Besides providing enhanced macroeconomic and financial stability, a commitment to optimum monetary policy conduct in a developing economy like Nigeria could better deliver greater long-run stability of both internal and external macroeconomic factors. The need for an ordered monetary policy...
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The paper examines the proposed Economic and Monetary Union for ECOWAS sub-region and provide a comprehensive evidence based on European Union experience of what ECOWAS common currency stand to gain in terms of both Intra and Inter flow of FDI. Evidence from the reviewed literature revealed...
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All over the world, banks have been undergoing crisis, but the Nigerian experience has been hazardous to the country’s financial sector stability. Against this scenery, this paper investigates some cost efficiency correlates of a set of fifteen deposit money banks in Nigeria over the period...
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Mit der Krise im Euroraum hat die Frage nach der institutionellen Ausgestaltung der Währungsunion an Bedeutung gewonnen. Ein Problem im Hinblick auf die längerfristige Stabilität des Euroraums ist das Fehlen von Mechanismen, die nur in einzelnen Ländern auftretende konjunkturelle Schocks...
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This article reports the findings of an exchange rate determination model based on either the traditional chartist or the fundamental model. Much dispute has surrounding exchange rate determination and many theories have been offered; however, market participants use and rely on the chartist model...
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The emergence and deepening global economic crisis is in large part reflected in the operation of international financial institutions and their current structure. Long-term financial crisis has increased demands for decisive reform moves in operating and structure of the IMF, World Bank Group...
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After the 2008 financial crash governments and central banks had to rescue banks which had become insolvent or illiquid, and whose failure threatened the Western financial system. The bill for this taxpayer funded bailout came to over USD 20 trillion globally, including assistance from US, EU,...
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Bei der vergleichsweise hohen Fluktuation in den Spitzengremien des Finanzsektors in Deutschland in Folge der Finanzkrise wurde die Chance verpasst, für eine Erhöhung des Anteils der dort vertretenen Frauen zu sorgen. Im Jahr 2011 lag der Frauenanteil in Vorständen auf einem ähnlich geringen...
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