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This paper utilizes a joint (ordered probit) occupational attainment and wage determination model to examine the channels through which occupational segregation and pay discrimination affect the overall gender wage gap in different sectors of ownership in Egypt. Using a large data set drawn from...
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Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland sinkt auf den tiefsten Stand seit der Wiedervereinigung. Zwischen 2005 und 2012 hat sich die Zahl der Erwerbslosen unter 25 Jahren mehr als halbiert. Im internationalen Vergleich steht Deutschland damit hervorragend da. Nirgendwo in Europa ist die...
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Die Krisen der letzten Jahre haben in Europa die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit kräftig ansteigen lassen, was das schon seit langer Zeit bestehende Phänomen der weit über dem Durchschnitt liegenden Arbeitslosigkeit der Jugendlichen deutlicher hervortreten lässt. In manchen Ländern erreichte die...
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Industrial decline and restructuring in the transition economies presents a prime example of the relationship between changes in aggregate economic indicators and underlying microeconomic adjustments. This paper employs matched labor force survey data to focus on the magnitude and determinants...
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A major labour market challenge following the Great Recession is to avoid an increase in long-term unemployment and thus the structural unemployment rate. Active labour market policies may play an important role in this respect. We consider these issues with outset in Denmark which is a country...
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This paper reviews important aspects of gender labour market inequalities in four European Union countries. It shows that individual countries differ in many aspects of gender discrimination. It seems that contributing factors to these differences are the national social and economic structures,...
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This paper analyzes the impact of the Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) on rural labor migration in China. We use recent survey data from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and a difference-in-difference approach to assess the impact of the policy on labor migration decision. We find a...
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Activity and employment rates for immigrant women in many industrialised countries display a great variability across national groups. The aim of this paper is to assess whether this fact is due to a voluntary decision (i.e. large reservation wages by immigrants) or to an involuntary process...
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Mit dem Rechtsanspruch auf Kindertagesbetreuung ab dem zweiten Lebensjahr steht ab diesem August grundsätzlich allen Kindern dieser Altersgruppe ein Betreuungsplatz zur Verfügung. Welche Wirkungen hat die Kindertagesbetreuung auf die Erwerbstätigkeit von Müttern und die kindliche...
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This paper examines the impacts of recent Australian welfare to work reforms for low-income parents of school-aged children who had been in receipt of Parenting Payment – the main welfare payment for this group – for at least one year. Specifically, the reforms introduced a requirement to...
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