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The main result of this paper consists in the resolution of the inverse problem for the Black-Cox (1976) model, using the method proposed by Sukhomlin (2007). Based on the backward approach, we obtain an exact expression of the implied volatility expressed as a function of quantifiable market...
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This research examines whether firms with different levels of export intensity differ with respect to the competitive elements that sustain their competitiveness in foreign markets, as well as on marketing strategies implemented in their commercial activity abroad. To this end, we examine a...
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the weak form of market efficiency of Asian four selected stock markets. We have taken a daily closing price of stock markets under the study from the 1st January 2000 to 31st March 2011 and also divided full sample in three interval periods, and...
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The article presents the analysis of determinants of banks' competitiveness in local financial markets, with respect to local (cooperative) banks and branches of large commercial banks. The paper also evaluates the competitive position of the banks using the synthetic measure of competitive...
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Die Anrainerstaaten des Persischen Golfs sind mit etwa 40 Prozent der weltweiten Exporte die bei weitem wichtigste Anbietergruppe auf dem Weltrohölmarkt. Nach Europa gehen etwa 13 Prozent der Rohölausfuhren der Golfstaaten und sechs Prozent der Ausfuhren an Erdölprodukten. Von den Golfstaaten...
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The study utilizes the Autoregressive-distributed lag (ARDL) approach for cointegration and Granger causality test, to explore the long run equilibrium relationship and the possible direction of causality between international trade, financial development and economic growth for the Pakistan...
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This paper examines the long-run and short-run impacts of exchange rate and price changes on trade flows in Nigeria using exports and imports functions. The bounds testing (ARDL) approach to cointegration is applied on a quarterly data from 1980 Q1 to 2007 Q4. The results indicate that in both...
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This paper estimates econometrically the impact of NAFTA on US-Mexico and US-third countries (groups of countries) trade flows. Using a traditional gravity-equation framework, we try to see to what extent the bilateral trade flows between the US and different countries differ from a gravity-type...
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